I get that people think this is all for naught but I still think every bit of truth coming out before 2024 is important.
this is very very very bad. many women would die.
Embryo can’t turn out to be anything if it’s in a Fallopian tube. It’s just state sanctioned killing of women.well duh the lives of unborn fetuses >>> lives of actual women.
the fetus could turn out to be a man, after all.
poor dumb BeLeafer
poor dumb BeLeafer
Don’t forget the people who ate up all the Fox News bullshit for years. Hillary’s emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop! Just lapped up all the shit the Russian troll farms were amplify. Easy pickings.
Trump’s going on Rogan according to my Twitter.
he was the biggest asshole, and then fucking Sinema came along and now it is a raging fucking competition.some signs that Manchin will be on board with most of Build Back Better as long as its moved in smaller individual bills rather than one big one.
still an asshole, of course.