I'm not going to say some asshole may not spike candy with illicit substances.. but then again Razor blades and pins are less common then portrayed on TV... But yeah 1 in 350m Not going to say it won't happen.. but not like what that lady believes..
Don Jr. proof that you shouldn't do coke
Great ad.
it's a made up bullshit talking point by a bunch of fascist fucks trying to scare monger normal people into voting for fascism. it is reprehensible and has no foundation in fact. just another in a long line of made up, bullshit 'crises' to try and rile up undereducated voters (that these same bozos deliberately laid the groundwork for by systematically destroying the education system)I mean, they might...but most candy is wrapped in single serve wrappers that make tampering easy to spot. Fentanyl or other dangerous narcotics that are common in pill form that might deceive a particularly stupid child are essspensive on the street. Fentanyl commonly costs 40-50 USD a pill in most places on the black market. Oxy's 15-20 bucks a pop. Yeah, pins and razor blades unfortunately happen (though I circle around to my original point about how halloween candy is now packaged to make detection of tampering easy) but it's fucking rare.