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OT: American Politics

I guess the downtown protestors were months ahead of the campus trend?

Anyway, UBC campus has thousands of residences on it. It’s basically its own city. And exams are over, many of the students have gone home. I agree that this is not some grassroots student movement。
My daughter called it Performance Activism.
My friends niece attends UBC and she is a white girl from Chamburg (spelling) who is now all Pro Palestine etc.

I also know of a lot of white adults that jumped all over the BLM movement, LGBTQ movement etc that just love to join in on these causes cuz it gives them some sense of purpose and hits to their "white guilt" nerve.

I went to York University and a lot of my friends were middle eastern and palestinian. There would be times you couldn't get to class in the Ross building because the Jewish students and Palestinian supporters would just take over the main hall yelling at each other.

Watch all of these campus takeovers and its all incels, white dreads, just joining causes they really don't know anything about.

All the BLM and Antifa protestors are just jumping on to this bandwagon. Some may say, "well it's about time the Palestinians voice is heard" and I agree completely. But when even in Toronto the main spokesperson for all of the pro palestine marches in Toronto is a white woman, you just have to wonder.

My wife's favourite words are always "collective behaviour". This is just another example of people looking for a purpose in their lives and they just have to join in somewhere.
My daughter called it Performance Activism.
My friends niece attends UBC and she is a white girl from Chamburg (spelling) who is now all Pro Palestine etc.

I also know of a lot of white adults that jumped all over the BLM movement, LGBTQ movement etc that just love to join in on these causes cuz it gives them some sense of purpose and hits to their "white guilt" nerve.

I went to York University and a lot of my friends were middle eastern and palestinian. There would be times you couldn't get to class in the Ross building because the Jewish students and Palestinian supporters would just take over the main hall yelling at each other.

Watch all of these campus takeovers and its all incels, white dreads, just joining causes they really don't know anything about.

All the BLM and Antifa protestors are just jumping on to this bandwagon. Some may say, "well it's about time the Palestinians voice is heard" and I agree completely. But when even in Toronto the main spokesperson for all of the pro palestine marches in Toronto is a white woman, you just have to wonder.

My wife's favourite words are always "collective behaviour". This is just another example of people looking for a purpose in their lives and they just have to join in somewhere.
Like I said earlier, it boils down to "Where can I go and what can I do to maybe get some chick to sleep with me?"
My daughter called it Performance Activism.
My friends niece attends UBC and she is a white girl from Chamburg (spelling) who is now all Pro Palestine etc.

I also know of a lot of white adults that jumped all over the BLM movement, LGBTQ movement etc that just love to join in on these causes cuz it gives them some sense of purpose and hits to their "white guilt" nerve.

I went to York University and a lot of my friends were middle eastern and palestinian. There would be times you couldn't get to class in the Ross building because the Jewish students and Palestinian supporters would just take over the main hall yelling at each other.

Watch all of these campus takeovers and its all incels, white dreads, just joining causes they really don't know anything about.

All the BLM and Antifa protestors are just jumping on to this bandwagon. Some may say, "well it's about time the Palestinians voice is heard" and I agree completely. But when even in Toronto the main spokesperson for all of the pro palestine marches in Toronto is a white woman, you just have to wonder.

My wife's favourite words are always "collective behaviour". This is just another example of people looking for a purpose in their lives and they just have to join in somewhere.

What really gets me is these lilly white mangia cakes in Canada or the US who screech about Israel being a white settler colonizer project and how Israelis need to “go home” and leave the land to the Palestinians.

If that’s really how they feel as a non-first nations resident of North America, how about shutting the fuck up, putting their money where their mouths are and moving back to Europe, Africa, Asia or wherever the hell their colonist ancestors originate from?
What really gets me is these lilly white mangia cakes in Canada or the US who screech about Israel being a white settler colonizer project and how Israelis need to “go home” and leave the land to the Palestinians.

If that’s really how they feel as a non-first nations resident of North America, how about shutting the fuck up, putting their money where their mouths are and moving back to Europe, Africa, Asia or wherever the hell their colonist ancestors originate from?
This is so far removed from the actual reality on the ground that it reads like a WeHave post.
This is so far removed from the actual reality on the ground that it reads like a WeHave post.
Don't blame me just because you have trouble accepting unpleasant truths. Sure, you're all in on "the Leafs are crap" this week, but I was telling you the truth about them 6 months ago before it was cool. Nothing I said was any less real just because you didn't want to accept it. Reality doesn't care about your narratives or your feels. Stop attacking the messenger and just absorb the message as accepted wisdom. Think of it like medicine. It doesn't taste good, but eventually, it will make you better (or addicted. Who knows?)
This is so far removed from the actual reality on the ground that it reads like a WeHave post.