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OT: American Politics

I would also say the McDonald's stuff is easily explainable... they lowered portion size, jacked up prices to the point it was no longer a better option than a sit down spot. Outside of major cities you are likely to find a bar or other restaurant where you can get a burger and fries with $10 vs McDonald's $15 combos.
In isolation, the McDonald's thing is no big deal, despite some economists swearing by that being a key indicator for decades. But we are seeing all sorts of signs everywhere of things slowing. When you have enough data points, the market will eventually react and price in some increased probability of a slower economic period coming.
Anyway the telltale sign for me was a couple days ago when we didn't really see any rotation, only money leaving. It sure felt different than any weakness we've seen since 2022. But we were way overdue for this pullback. Happy shopping!
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it's legit hilarious how fucking terrified most of my maritime colleagues are of the crime-infested streets of the city of... err.. Hamilton, lol (our office used to do a lot of work there).

whereas I used to really look forward to my Hamilton trips. I had colleagues who wouldn't fucking go outside after dark...
and the unstated context here is that Hamilton is bigger than any city east of Quebec.

funny enough, the three of us in the office who grew up in the GTA all enjoy our Hamilton pilgrimmages.

but I have colleagues who think Halifax downtown is sketchy AF too... I had one person talk about how unsafe my favourite bakery is (also the location of the climbing gym, where I park my bike after dark multiple days weekly...)

all this to say, the people who didn't grow up in the (or a) city seem fucking terrified of it