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OT: American Politics

This immigration segment on CNN is not going well for Harris :(
The immigration issue is the easiest issue for her, or should be. Just remind people that there was a bipartisan deal in place but Trump ordered his cultists in Congress to kill it so that he would have an issue to run on because Trump doesn't want to solve problems and he doesn't really care about immigration. He just wants a scapegoat.

If Hitler just wanted to rid Germany of Jews why did he make it impossible for them to emigrate? And if Trump is so concerned about illegals flooding across the southern border why did he kill the border deal? Because in both cases, scapegoats were needed.
#kamalagropedme is trending on twitter.... oh boy
This shit I just think will backfire bigly. Keep on driving home that everything on the GOP side is about personal grievances, hating the right people, getting mad at the same shit and none of is about actually making people’s lives better.

The “he’ll have an enemies list, I’ll have a to do list” line was one of her best last night
Their intel is either telling them that someone has and plans to release another bombshell (Epstein?/Crime?), or that another country is legit pushing fake videos.