Part of the success of the right wing podcasts is that they pretend to be apolitical. Maybe start by trying thatJust be "Rogan". On monday bring Mike Tyson in and ask him about his experience with DMT and sensory depravation. On Tuesday it's Piketty talking about wealth inequality. Wednesday Mike Myers is going to tell stories about the time he did something with his nipple on the set of Austin Powers. Thursday Alex Honnold. Friday Bernie Sanders.
You can't be "a little bit" fascist any more than you can be "a little bit" pregnant.This sounds like a WeHaveian theory that anyone who ever voted for or even for one second considered themselves to be a conservative is a Nazi who should be hanged.
What exactly is the crime committed here? Talking to someone for half an hour on a podcast.
No, no we don't. Not when the other side are fascist scum."...we have to at least try to talk to the other side."
Glad we could clear that up for you.and here comes worm to virtue signal once again. Okay you guys are right, it's a crime against humanity to (checks notes) talk to Charlie Kirk. Anyone who does so should be thrown out of the Democratic Party and never heard from again.
This is the entire reason NOT to interview them. Kirk and Bannon aren't well meaning but misguided; they are consciously bad people. They know what's going on, and they are here for it. They like it. They want it. And no politician cum Podcaster is going to cause them to have any come to Jesus moment or other epiphany. What's happening is what they WANT.I guess what I'm saying is, gives away what game? He's trying to launch a podcast, perhaps by starting out with some provocative guests. It's free to say you don't agree with that strategy. I just don't see it as some kind of betrayal.
Newsom is highly skilled at spitting out numbers and facts in a charismatic way, by not being antagonistic to these folks maybe he thinks he can convert some of their fans. And we could use a few of them, quite frankly. There are millions of people walking about believing in fairy tales. They can see the Trump shitshow in real time, but there's a certain cognitive dissonance at play. Telling them that they're idiots does not work. You have to first get their attention, and then explain to them exactly how the facts are on our side.
And I'll bet he never asked them about any of that.Completely agreed. But he picked the Brothers Grimm to platform and peddle more fairytales.
They were both involved in organizing a coup attempt.
Because they don't want to engage. They are disingenuous fucks.To play devil's advocate, if you are trying to reach anyone on the right, they are not going to be listening to a conversation between Gavin Newsom and Paul Krugman.
If the other side is openly avocating the distruction of democracy, I don't believe that hearing them argue the point is going to be helpful.No, no we don't. Not when the other side are fascist scum.
Fist. In. Face. Repeat as necessary. That's the only way to "communicate" with nazis and really the only form of communication that such people understand or respect.
are you trying to equate what Bernie (and soon to be Walz) are doing with what Newsom is doing?Bernie Sanders just did several completely full rallies in Republican districts. What is the alternate, not try at all?