update from NS:
paralegal was hospitalized with a 106 degree fever. they put her on a gurney in a storage room with no overhead lights or bathroom. if she wanted to get up to use the bathroom, had to robe up in full PPE. she's back home and in isolation until Friday. sounded absolutely awful.
I have had three negative tests Friday, Sunday, and this morning. Despite that I have been experiencing bizarre fatigue and the odd chill. Maybe a touch of brain fog. No fever at any point. Was in bed before 10 three of four nights which is pretty unheard of for me.
Ms. Wayward is feeling shitty. She reports fevery/chill type symptoms along with general fatigue/malaise. She has also tested negative twice, Sunday morning and today. Throat and nasal swabs for both.
Technically based on our public health rules I am clear to return to the office, but still working from home. Our workforce is pretty decimated...