Oh I had enough sauce. After about the 10th bite my mouth shriveled up from the sodium intake.yeah not ordering your chicken with a bucket of chalet sauceis a rookie mistake.
yes… you can replace the chicken with your old Nikes and with enough sauce 8 out of 10 Canadians won't notice
You just can't be a chicken restaurant and not get the breast right. Most countries wouldn't stand for that shit, but in Canada we give zero fucks because of a mediocre sauce.
The rotisserie chicken sandwich... right size to dunk in the sauce without getting sick of the sauce.The sauce is fine but it's tremendously overrated. I agree tho.. it's probably the only reason one would ever choose to eat there.
Haha, poor wrong Presty.Got a clean chicken order. No rib, no rib sauce. Exactly how the restaurant designed.
I started with the dark meat obviously. Not bad. The sauce was better than I remembered too and paired together it wasn't terrible! Extremely edible and anyone who says it isn't is lying. It's really hard to fuck up dark meat. You can overcook it to shit and it'll maintain enough moisture to be fine.
I then went on to the breast and yeah that shit isn't edible. Straight up, don't bother with that. Bone mother fucking dry is an understatement. To make matters worse, by the time I was on to the white meat, the sauce was becoming way too fucking much. Just a straight sodium bomb that just didn't hold up for the whole meal. So I was left with a choice: do I eat the white meat without sauce (lol)? Do I keep eating with the sauce even though it was becoming almost nauseating at that point? Or do I call it a day and stop eating? I chose option 3 and have no regrets.
What's good about the breast? Describe it for me. I'm genuinely interested in any argument that white meat > dark meat. I can't think of a single advantage othere than health.You pheasant peasant! I don't even eat dark meat. I order the 1/4 chicken dinner, the breast is awesome even without the sauce, and the fries delicious. I don't know whose payroll you're on, but it's someone with bad intentions for the Chalet.
You gotta stay young at heart. If you want fairy tales to come true. If not, do whatever you want.
If I go to an italian restaurant serving a pasta dish with chicken, I run away as fast as I can.You go to an italian restaurant and order any pasta dish with chicken, it's white meat.