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OT: Coronavirus Resources - and other things to not worry about

Apparently Quebec was the only province to figure out the obvious thing...

Inspect all of these out of province trucks entering the province. I'll fucking guarantee most of these muppets aren't running proper log books, are outside of their annual inspection, have critical defects (According to a former enforcement officer from Sask that I used to work with, 20-30% of commercial vehicles just shouldn't be on the road) and should be impounded, etc.
I’d these trucks don’t typically operate extra provincially it’s also possible they’re not licensed to be outside of the province they’re plated in
Another thing these dummies are doing is giving Trudeau an easy contrast between himself and his opposition for the next election.

This has done far more damage to the CPC than Trudeau. Net support for the trucker protests before last weekend was -16% nationally, and went to -27% after last weekend.

CPC has a problem though, a major problem. 55% of CPC voters said that they considered the protests in Ottawa over the weekend to be "respectful and appropriate". PPC voters an obvious at 93%.

But...voters from every other party were under 40% and in most cases well under 40%, and also this:

CPC aren't going to be able to wash the stink of this off any time soon.
Aside from the attack on off-label early treatment of COVID, probably the most bizarre, unscientific and damaging thing the purveyors of big pharma propaganda had you gobbling up is that natural immunity is not a thing.

Finally last week, the CDC released data from New York and California, which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing Covid infection compared with vaccination.

The study was already discussed and portrayed as a positive of course. Because we want to hear that reinfections are milder and care less about being "right" even though that this was always the most likely thing and we all expected that would happen. Other studies have showed that reinfections are more severe and other have showed no difference. So this one was encouraging to see. Often "what doesn't kill you makes you weaker" especially when exposed to the spike without any protection as a naive individual.

The issue with omicron of course is infections aren't providing very robust antibodies. It's a bit better if vaxxed. But the unvaxxed can't be confident that frequent reinfections wont occur. Have fun with that.

Hey have you watched this video yet are we going to continue to ignore it because you really really want the opposite to be true?

That looks at total hospitalizations, which can be a noisy measure, without regard to severity.

It is also in the aggregate and not age adjusted, in highly vaxxed states (between the state ~85% of olds are vaxxed)

looks like a small sample of unvaxxed + prior infection (ci 95= 27-83 vs 18-21 for the vaxxed only crowd), too

and in any event, here is the conclusion from the authors:

Although the epidemiology of COVID-19 might change with the emergence of new variants, vaccination remains the safest strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections and associated complications; all eligible persons should be up to date with COVID-19 vaccination. Additional recommendations for vaccine doses might be warranted in the future as the virus and immunity levels change.
I mean the data is crystal clear. Question the boosters for younger people if you must but obviously vaccination before your first infection is anywhere from 5-15x less severe than if unvaxxed on avg. The fact that this is debated by these psychopaths is unreal. I thought beleafer was stat literate.

Here's some data you'll dismiss because it does not support your conspiracy theory

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Aside from the attack on off-label early treatment of COVID, probably the most bizarre, unscientific and damaging thing the purveyors of big pharma propaganda had you gobbling up is that natural immunity is not a thing.

The media and government are in on the conspiracy! You’re all sheep for believing it! Don’t believe me??? Here’s a Wall St Journal article citing CDC data that I’m pretty sure shows I am right!

Led. About. By. The. Nose.
the attack on off-label early treatment of COVID


lol. "off label".

had you gobbling up is that natural immunity is not a thing.

Umm...when the fuck has anyone ever said that?