First day since Sunday for the kid without a lowgrade fever. His energy seems good, but still the really bad cough and congestion.
My money is on him having covid tbh. I think he got hit with double viruses over the past week. The fatigue was so so bad for a couple of days there and I don't know of any other reason his fever would return after 3 days without one and seemingly on the road to recovery? And to have the fever continue for 3 days after that? And the symptoms conveniently came 3.5 days after he was at the crowded hospital; which is the average incubation period.
Anyway Mrs. Preston is still negative, feels like crap, but has improved today slightly. She's been battling the original illness that my son had since last Friday-ish. So she didn't catch covid at the hospital but... I feel it's just a countdown for us to catch it from my son; I'm expecting to get hit tomorrow or Friday. If neither of us do then I'll be really confused. I'm still completely symptom free for now.