I will get banned again soon, worry not.
Dorchester barely exists down at that end. They'd have to bulldoze the old hospital, of course, and probably a city block's worth of buildings along Ste Catherine just east of Lambert Closse. The park and bus loop across the street from the Forum would also go, or maybe the stadium would be built above the bus loop. The park is only used by drug dealers anyway. You could fit a stadium in there, but you'd need to expropriate extra real estate for parking. At least it would be on a Metro station and bus terminal and just up the hill from Lionel Groulx where the Orange Line comes in. At the Peel Basin they'd need to shuttle people from Bonaventure Metro down to the foot of Peel Street. Maybe if they widen the street and run some sort of light rail service down the center that would end at the stadium. But all this costs more money over and above the cost of the stadium itself. If people can't access it, they won't go. You need public transit but people also need to be able to drive to it. The Basin is close to where the old Autostade used to be. It had parking but was nowhere near a Metro. They are also tearing down the Bonaventure Expressway which makes getting in and out of the area more difficult for South Shore residents.