I really can't stress how much of a failed venture this will be for the city/fans. The team could always relocate or get sold at some point, which is why I don't think the ownership group will ever take a real hit, they'll just cut budget and get rev share. The ownership group is going to look for tax credits/public investment to make this happen. If it's done cheaply, and with this ownership group and their budgets it will, it will fail within 5 years as the fans give up. The thing that will be different with WASH/MTL is the owner of the Nats is a multi billionaire who had a plan. Their record for the first 7 years were pretty bad and attendance dropped after the first year. Then Ted shot the payroll to 112m and now it's 200m. If the expos plan to keep a 75m payroll (which they already put out in their reports) and not be able to get to 125m+ and compete with the blue jays/yanks/red sox, the fad will last about 4-5 years. They also plan on building an el cheapo no frills stadium for 500m that will end up costing 900m in Quebec. Factor in the fact they only want a 30k stadium which will always limit revenues, and the fact this team most likely will never get a TV deal to compete with the US teams, likely spells failure from the start. I want a team more than anyone, but I know this conglomeration has unrealistic expectations and their plans/budgets will never allow the Expos to succeed, it's unfortunate.
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