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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Now, for some weird reason, it goes with chicken sandwiches because it adds a little bit of moisture to the dry nature of both the chicken and the bread.

I assume ranch dressing is made of it too, which is another useless product that has no business existing. Except for whatever reason it somehow goes well with fries sometimes.

Both products literally have only one acceptable use.
Damn rights.

Grilled cheese with Kraft singles
Peanut butter (sometimes with jam)
OG Kraft Dinner (Mac and cheese for you Americans)

I crave one of these things at least once a month.

I love me my artisanal burger on a brioche bun with sea salt hand-cut fries and a chipotle aioli.

But man, kraft singles on wonder bread, or just slap a bunch of PB+J on bread can be so satisfying at times. It's one thing you definitely notice while travelling a lot too - some places just don't sell peanut butter, or it becomes ludicrously expensive to buy. So when I land in a place where I can find it at a good price, I go to town on that jar.
Spoken like someone who has never used a light healthy oil and salt for tuna salad.

I've had tuna with evoo... and a little salt and pepper. It's excellent. It's just different than using mayo. Both very good. If I'm having it one a sammy though... gotta be with mayo.

The only similarity between milk and mayo is the color. Nothing else even remotely close.
Definitely closer to the oil that LOF uses than milk because... It's mostly oil! Throw in a little egg, some seasoning, an acid and an emulsifier! Tada!!!
Mayo is great. I use it Instead of butter for most meat sandwiches. Tuna or salmon sandwiches, devilled eggs without mayo, no thanks.
Yuck. Just yuck. I also have no need for butter in anything, other than bread and butter at a restaurant, and even then I decline it.