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OT: Movies/TV Shows

yeah...I gave up before then (and I'm the biggest BB fan out there).

I gave up around season 3? watching that Michael McKean be a douchebag brother for 30 episodes was too much for me.

But that trailer looked enticing...stopped halfway thru because I might start watching season 5. Surprised to see Kim made it this far...her and Jim never seemed to have any chemistry
It's just sooooo fuckin good. I really disliked Chuck too... but it's amazing despite him.
Yeah, I think if I had to pick one... BCS might have the edge. It's very close though.

Yeah, it is a tough call. But at this point I do definitely pick Saul. But we’ll have to see how well it sticks its landing at the end of the show.

Because what sets Breaking Bad apart from so many of the other top TV dramas of all time is the way the final series of episodes all the way up to its conclusion was a tour de force.
You guys sure or has BB just worn off after several years? I find that one can forget how masterful something was after some years go by. Like I watched Mad Men during its run and was like wow, amazing show. But then I rewatched it binge style a few years later and was like shit I forgot just how incredible this show was.
You guys sure or has BB just worn off after several years? I find that one can forget how masterful something was after some years go by. Like I watched Mad Men during its run and was like wow, amazing show. But then I rewatched it binge style a few years later and was like shit I forgot just how incredible this show was.


I did my first re-watch of Breaking Bad after finishing the most recent season of Saul. Loved it maybe even more than the first time I watched it, but I’d still give Saul the edge.
You guys sure or has BB just worn off after several years? I find that one can forget how masterful something was after some years go by. Like I watched Mad Men during its run and was like wow, amazing show. But then I rewatched it binge style a few years later and was like shit I forgot just how incredible this show was.
Nah... BCS is just a great show. I absolutely love BB, but Saul is just >/= imo.

I don't know exactly what it is.. I don't want to neg Breaking bad at all because I love it, but maybe it's a little reliant on gimmicks/catchphrases at times. BCS just feels better written and more authentic.

That said, none of that bothers me about Breaking Bad, I just think Saul is as good and possibly the tiniest bit better.
But it's a six season show and I always hear that people aren't big fans till the third season. That's a big time investment and a lot of poor programming to sit through to still call it better than BB.

Disclaimer: I haven't seen it so I'm not arguing. Just looking to get an idea on WHY it's better if a large percentage of it is subpar.
You guys sure or has BB just worn off after several years? I find that one can forget how masterful something was after some years go by. Like I watched Mad Men during its run and was like wow, amazing show. But then I rewatched it binge style a few years later and was like shit I forgot just how incredible this show was.

I honestly can’t wait for your reaction after you binge on Harvey’s in a few years.
But it's a six season show and I always hear that people aren't big fans till the third season. That's a big time investment and a lot of poor programming to sit through to still call it better than BB.

Disclaimer: I haven't seen it so I'm not arguing. Just looking to get an idea on WHY it's better if a large percentage of it is subpar.
Really? The first 3 seasons are great.

I think people that dislike it might have been looking for it to be just like Breaking Bad... and it's not. There are definitely some similarities and and some crossover storylines, but it's definite it's own stand alone show that is different.
I started BB and didn't like it.

Saul is epic.
That's a new one.

I liked BB from the first episode. Hooked me in and never let go.

Saul, all that shit with the brother or uncle or whoever is living with him BORED ME TO TEARS. The only reason I haven't restarted it yet is because I don't want to sit through that shit again, but I don't remember anything else that happened in the episodes, so I would have to.
Nobody tell Zeke about the whole Walter White/Leafs connection that runs through the story in Season 3.

If he didn't like the show, he doesn't deserve to enjoy that.