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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Holy shit that was one of the craziest things ever. I’ve rewatched that scene 30 times and it only fascinates me more each time.

Rock was wrong to make a joke centered on a medical condition. Will was wrong to initially find it funny. Will was wrong and super dumb to assault a guy on live tv and totally alter public perception about his nice guy image.

Two wrongs apparently don’t make a right, but fuck these three wrongs must have given how entertained I am!
Imagine actually busting out a 30yr old shitty movie reference as part of your comedy routine at the OSCARS.

Thats kind of the unwritten rule in comedy. Whenever possible, punch up and not down. If you're punching down the shit better be introspective and hilarious.

Not only was Rock punching down, the joke was old and stale.
It's a whole new era of standup comedy, where people rush the stage if they don't like the joke. Kinda like a batter charging the mound.
Since when is smacking someone for making fun of your wife's medical condition a "new era"?

I have it on good authority that its old school toxic masculinity.