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OT: Movies/TV Shows

They'll pause and wait for the dust to settle. Then, unless Smith has made himself completely toxic, they'll proceed as planned. We have to remember that none of these things are happening for moral reasons. It's just about the money. If they think having Smith can help them make money then they won't care how many people he slaps. On Hollywood Boulevard or Wall Street, the money is the only thing that is ever allowed to matter.
Going to a downtown theatre, finding parking, lining up outside, sending someone in to grab seats, lining up for snacks, then having to headhunt the crowd to figure out where you are sitting. Sounds dumb, but I miss it. But I also miss having to camp overnight for concert tickets.
More swearing than Jay Mewes? I highly doubt that.


“Will Smith announces a break in his career and declares that he will be admitted to a rehabilitation clinic after the controversies involved in the Oscars. The actor has since been slaughtered on the internet, by colleagues in the industry and even movie studios that are boycotting and canceling films with Will. Some of Will Smith’s upcoming projects have been paused in the wake of the Oscars-slap controversy. The actor has had a Netflix film and a movie for Sony put on hold.”
They always go into some sort of bullshit "rehab" program when the shit gets too thick. That way they can issue one press statement and conclude it with something like "Please respect our family's privacy at this sensitive time".
Call me crazy but I really really think he's going to be fine.

there's enough sympathy for him that this won't really hurt him longterm. part of the reason it's such a big deal anyway is this middle school drama phase the human race seems to be going through right now.
It's also not that important. If he loses a couple roles in the short-term I'm sure he'll survive financially.
He’ll always have more money that he can spend. That’s no issue.

But he made it to the top of the mountain, yet took a shit on himself just before/as he reached it. I don’t think he’s ever going to be the same. The mental anguish first from the wife’s public “entanglements”, and now this immortal video to follow him everywhere. He’s going to take a long forced break but he’s not going to bounce back to this level. A lot of his movies were costly bombs anyway, so he wasn’t even box office gold before this. After this? He’ll be able to work but he’s never going to get the prime parts he was in line for, or get any recognition by his peers. And he knows all this, which I think would be exceptionally difficult to handle, knowing that he dropped a grenade at the high point of his career.
He’ll always have more money that he can spend. That’s no issue.

But he made it to the top of the mountain, yet took a shit on himself just before/as he reached it. I don’t think he’s ever going to be the same. The mental anguish first from the wife’s public “entanglements”, and now this immortal video to follow him everywhere. He’s going to take a long forced break but he’s not going to bounce back to this level. A lot of his movies were costly bombs anyway, so he wasn’t even box office gold before this. After this? He’ll be able to work but he’s never going to get the prime parts he was in line for, or get any recognition by his peers. And he knows all this, which I think would be exceptionally difficult to handle, knowing that he dropped a grenade at the high point of his career.

I dunno. People love a comeback. Like you said, he's past his prime anyway. But don't rule out a 2nd wind propelled by a small scene stealing role in a big film. I would say a Tarantino film but that guy is retiring himself