I'm a Marvel stan and even I'd agree they've struggled since End Game, this being just Ant Man isn't an excuse, it's a trend.
- Black Widow was solid and a good way to complete her arc
- Shang Chi was good but just good. It had some interesting Hong Kong moments/cinematography with it's action at times but if you're familiar with the good hong kong action flicks over the years, it wasn't a great rendition, just a good one
- Eternals was a huge meh. Developed zero give a fuck for any of the characters through out the entire movie. Still surprised that they managed to do so little and tell so little story in almost 3 hours.
- No Way Home was good but made Dr Strange look like an idiot. When fan service is the best part of a movie, even when done well, that's a problem imo
- Multiverse of Madness was bad and made Dr Strange look like an idiot
- Love and Thunder had no idea what it wanted to be. The bones of a really, really good movie are in there but Watiti kept fucking ruining it with jokes that didn't fit the tone of the scenes.
- Wakanda Forever....they should have just recast T'Challa like the Director wanted to do. I get why Marvel insisted on doing it as a Chadwick Boseman tribute, but I think that always was going to doom this movie to mediocrity. I don't get why Atlantis got retconned into being...Mayan...and I still don't get the Namor casting. Generally when there's a super baddie, the movie is going to fail when it tells you how dangerous said baddie is instead of showing you. Telling us that he's as strong as the Hulk maybe without showing him do anything other than beat up some non supes and a few Wakandan ships...meh. Contrast that with how we saw Thanos in action for the first time. Boot fucked the Hulk, Thor, and killed Loki. You've been shown why you're supposed to be afraid of him, not told why.
The Disney + stuff has been hit or miss as well.
- WandaVision was pretty good
- I loved the Loki series personally
- Falcon & Winter soldier was good
- What If was good
- Moon Knight was good though it lost me for parts, but as a whole it was pretty strong
- Ms Marvel I found awful
- She Hulk I found awful