I've seen that specific episode multiple times. Great stuff. Green Room was initially created for JFL in Montreal one summer as a live late night show...and I went all 5 nights.
that’s awesome, I’ve always wanted to go for those kinds of shows and Andy Kindler’s state of the industry speeches.
We get a comedy tour in BC every year that’s pretty great, but isn’t the JFL Festival….have seen just about every comedian that passes through tho, and often at the smaller clubs doing their prep sets etc,…which is always great.
still need to see Louis tho, that’s #1 on my bucket list
It was amazing, all these comedians would drop by after their gigs for unfiltered madness. I saw Bill Burr, Bob Odenkirk, David Cross, Dave Attell, etc etc just talk shit to each other.
They’re my comedy heroes, watched Mr. Show religiously as a teenager, taping every episode & rewatching it all week till a new one dropped….then when they were available on DVD with audio commentary, I’d listen to them all the time like podcasts,
cool seeing them both find big success later on with Arrested & Bad/Saul etc….but the hipster in me is annoyed we have to share them with everyone now. haha.
…people say don’t meet your heroes, but I met Cross at a book signing he was having in Vancouver in between two of his shows, and he couldn’t have been easier to talk to, was a great guy
Anyway back to Bo. You're right that Gary Shandling (also one of my fave comedy creators) saw something special in Bo, and he also held up hope that Bo would not succumb to that general mental fucked-upness most comedians suffer. (Shandling was on a lifelong Buddhist quest)
Sadly, Bo did not escape that sad fate. He's open about his mental health issues (stopped touring for a while due to crippling anxiety)
I feel like Bo’s awareness of his issues & ability to tackle them head on, while not hiding it from his audience at all and talking about it…is something Gary would be happy to see tho.
in Gary’s day people let it consume them, and they’d crash out, or become bitter and angry like pre-podcast Marc Maron.
IMO, Happy? is his standup tour de force -- makes me simultaneously overjoyed and melancholy in the most exquisite way. It's almost a suicide note performed as a comedy special
100% agreed.
I did not really like his pandemic special -- which is the one special that gave him the most limelight.
I think this was his most impressive artistic feat, but I think some of the lessons he gets into are ones we learned 20 years ago, so it doesn’t land quite like it might with his younger audience.
but also I just hate him with a shitty gross beard, he can’t grow one for shit and it looks brutal,
Loved 8th grade. And can't wait to see if he directs another film.
yeah I don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface with him….if he commits to directing for a stretch, I think he could have a Woody Allen 70’s type run.