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OT: Movies/TV Shows

I get why people enjoyed it (visually great, editing top notch, practical effects for the most part and well done) but calling it a classic is kind of nuts imo.

Depends on one’s definition of classic….but if one accepts that action movies can be classics, it’s pretty high up there on the list of top action flicks I’d want to rewatch over the years. In part because as you said, it’s visually remarkable (in an era of visual effects often being pretty shit due to CGI), remarkable editing amazing sound & score….and I think the plot & pathos is more engaging than most action movies with the heaviness of Immortal Joe having those 5 slave wives, the implied R-words, Nux being a Immortal Joe/Trump sycophant who turns over the course of the flick to sacrifice himself for good….the strength of Furiosa as a character overall.

I don’t think any modern Bond, Wick, Marvel movie, or Mission Impossibles, etc…surpasses it in terms of outright action movie, or for rewatchability.
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Well we are at year 9.

With how many new movies you watch, I bet you don’t have a ton of time for rewatching movies….but I’d hazard a guess that Fury Road is one of the rare movies you’ve seen twice, probably three times over that 9 year span.

I know it is for me.
Has anyone tried Loudermilk on Netflix?
So im halfway through the series, and it has some very funny moments. I think what makes this fall short of being great though, is that there are quite a few of this genre of series ( troubled/asshole lead in a darkish comedy) and what makes the great ones great is there is usually a good amount of heart to be found in the series or main character, or, the series is so dark that you dont care. For me, this falls slightly short in making me care about anyone, but it is funny and probably worth watching all three seasons.
With how many new movies you watch, I bet you don’t have a ton of time for rewatching movies….but I’d hazard a guess that Fury Road is one of the rare movies you’ve seen twice, probably three times over that 9 year span.

I know it is for me.
Yep. I always want to rewatch films, but very few do I ever see multiple times.
I can't watch him and think that he's playing a character. Prequel shows rarely work. Just come up with new ideas.
There’s an article in the WSJ today that talks about how entertainment gigs have contracted, writers are finding studios won’t buy anything much that’s based on new IP, and only from big names with a big name actor already signed on. They’re struggling big time and having to take non-writing side hustles to make ends meet.
There’s an article in the WSJ today that talks about how entertainment gigs have contracted, writers are finding studios won’t buy anything much that’s based on new IP, and only from big names with a big name actor already signed on. They’re struggling big time and having to take non-writing side hustles to make ends meet.
Things are bad in terms of creativity. The 70's movies were so fresh and risky.
Things are bad in terms of creativity. The 70's movies were so fresh and risky.

pre blockbuster era...they didn't know how much money they could make back then

and now having access to a global market dumbs everything down furher
considering Dexter had flashbacks to when he was a kid on the regular, a prequel seems especially stupid.

And Christian Slater is the most monotone bland motherfucker on the planet. He's like if beige ice cream was a thing and also a person
This Samuel Hlavaj guy who plays goal for Slovakia was awesome in the highlights against Canada. Looks like the Wild own him.