Julia tactfully dunking on Jerry’s smooth brained “you can’t say anything anymore” takes of late…

That’s the thing with these anti-woke police….all their complaints are such surface level drivel, regurgitating the same thing the last hack old guy said….zero depth, zero self-awareness, zero insights that make you reexamine your position…always the same dull, lazy canards as the last dope.
In these few paragraphs JLD has a more insightful take on comedy, than Maher, Seinfeld, or any of these other rubes have in decades.

That’s the thing with these anti-woke police….all their complaints are such surface level drivel, regurgitating the same thing the last hack old guy said….zero depth, zero self-awareness, zero insights that make you reexamine your position…always the same dull, lazy canards as the last dope.
In these few paragraphs JLD has a more insightful take on comedy, than Maher, Seinfeld, or any of these other rubes have in decades.