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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

I think you are definitely showing your anti-Muslim leanings. I don't like the full face covering and don't think that should be allowed at something like a citizenship ceremony, but this is a small issue which is blown up to feed the anti-muslim train. As to the Hijab, I see no issue with that. Every immigrant wave has had to go through the phase where the newcomers hold on to their heritage more and then the next generations become more "Canadian". I find much of the hysteria is just to pander to people's fear. Often for political purposes

Hmm, pretty simple, it's a ceremony, your face shouldn't be covered. You sound like a left wingtard reciting that bullshit from trudeau about fear. Btw, the niqab isn't even required in Islam. So it's not a religious thing. I think you don't understand that it is a cultural thing, and we shouldn't change our cultures, especially not to one that is oppressive to women.
Hmm, pretty simple, it's a ceremony, your face shouldn't be covered. You sound like a left wingtard reciting that bullshit from trudeau about fear. Btw, the niqab isn't even required in Islam. So it's not a religious thing. I think you don't understand that it is a cultural thing, and we shouldn't change our cultures, especially not to one that is oppressive to women.

edit: We don't bring wives and family into the argument. Remember?
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No covered faces, headgear, visible symbols in government buildings for anyone, period. Our public institutions are 100% secular, full stop.
you have to wonder. Who the hell is trying to take Hillary out?

Server-gate, email-gate....call it what you want. But Hillary has broken the law here. What she's done is anything but transparent and her presser yesterday was full of crap. Won't release her server for scrutiny.

But the question remains....who is try to take her out?

I think it's some Dems. After all, the White House knew of this. Obama has even emailed back and forth with her. They would have known, but did nothing. Until now maybe...
she didn't use gov't server for gov't related email communications. Had her own server which is a no no. Aside from posing a security risk, what she's done here is against the law. Also deleted emails and proclaims herself and her aides as arbiters of what should be released and what should not be released.

Not sure what will happen here, but you'd think a freedom of information request or lawsuit(s) and potential investigations are on the horizon.
she didn't use gov't server for gov't related email communications. Had her own server which is a no no. Aside from posing a security risk, what she's done here is against the law. Also deleted emails and proclaims herself and her aides as arbiters of what should be released and what should not be released.

Not sure what will happen here, but you'd think a freedom of information request or lawsuit(s) and potential investigations are on the horizon.

Can't she claim it wasn't sexual relations? Then she can be forgiven.
what a great victory for the race hustlers.

Let's see, couldn't find any evidence to lock up police officer Wilson for murder. Couldn't nail him with a civil rights charge either. I know....let's crawl up their ass like the tax man and see where that leads.

oh yes, it's a racist police dept because Eric Holder says so...

these clowns can't leave Washington fast enough.
Ferguson fake-out: Justice Department’s bogus report

Addressing the nation from Selma, Ala., on Saturday, President Obama said that while racism may be “no longer endemic,” as it was 50 years ago, his Justice Department’s report on Ferguson shows that the “nation’s racial history still casts its long shadow upon us.”

Sorry: The Justice report doesn’t prove disparate treatment, let alone discrimination.

In fact, it looks more like something ginned up to distract from the embarrassing fact that Justice (in another report released the same day) wound up fully validating the findings of the Ferguson grand jury.

Racism is serious, and those engaging in it should be shamed — but we should have real evidence before accusing others of it. And every one of the Justice report’s main claims of evidence of discrimination falls short.

Starting with the primary numerical claim. The report notes on Page 4: “Ferguson’s law-enforcement practices overwhelmingly impact African-Americans.

“Data collected by the Ferguson Police Department from 2012 to 2014 shows that African-Americans account for 85 percent of vehicle stops, 90 percent of citations, and 93 percent of arrests made by FPD officers, despite comprising only 67 percent of Ferguson’s population.”

Those statistics don’t prove racism, because blacks don’t commit traffic offenses at the same rate as other population groups.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ 2011 Police-Public Contact Survey indicates that, nationwide, blacks were 31 percent more likely than whites to be pulled over for a traffic stop.

Ferguson is a black-majority town. If its blacks were pulled over at the same rate as blacks nationally, they’d account for 87.5 percent of traffic stops.

In other words, the numbers actually suggest that Ferguson police may be slightly less likely to pull over black drivers than are their national counterparts. They certainly don’t show that Ferguson is a hotbed of racism.

The survey also reveals that men are 42 percent more likely than women to be pulled over for traffic stops. Should we conclude that police are biased against men, or that men drive more recklessly?

In fact, blacks die in car accidents at a rate about twice their share of car owners.

A 2006 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study found that black drivers who were killed in accidents have the highest rate of past convictions for speeding and for other moving violations. This suggests that there are a lot of unsafe black drivers, not racism.

The Clinton e-mail thing is a non-issue that the GOP wants to make into a scandal like Benghazi. But there is no "there" there.

If they want a real, honest-to-goodness scandal how about this letter that the GOP sent to Iran promising to scuttle whatever nuclear deal the President negotiates? That is a clear violation of the Logan Act and every GOP member who signed that letter should be jailed for treason.
The Clinton e-mail thing is a non-issue that the GOP wants to make into a scandal like Benghazi. But there is no "there" there.

If they want a real, honest-to-goodness scandal how about this letter that the GOP sent to Iran promising to scuttle whatever nuclear deal the President negotiates? That is a clear violation of the Logan Act and every GOP member who signed that letter should be jailed for treason.

yeah man, King Obama has already said that he'll sell the agreement to his subjects after the deal is signed. Which is actually pretty big of him, really.
More good work from the 'peaceful protester's' in Ferguson, this time as a result of the DOJ's trumped up report that had protesters demanding justice.

self serve justice that is...


Two police officers shot, seriously injured in Ferguson

Two police officers were shot and seriously injured early Thursday near the Ferguson, Mo., police headquarters, an incident that occurred amid ongoing protests in the city.

Just hours earlier, the Ferguson police chief had announced his resignation, a decision that came in the wake of a blistering report from the U.S. Department of Justice. Federal investigators said last week they determined that the city’s police force and court system were racially biased and predatory.

Protesters had gathered near the Ferguson police headquarters after Thomas Jackson, the chief of police, said he would step down next week. But the shooting, which occurred after midnight, took place as protests in the area were relatively quiet and after many demonstrators had left, according to police.

“This is really an ambush,” Jon Belmar, chief of St. Louis County police, said during a news conference Thursday morning.

The two officers, one of whom was shot in the face, were in serious condition after the shooting, but police said that the injuries were not life-threatening.

“Fortunately, with both officers, we don’t have any remarkable long-term injuries,” Belmar said. “We’re lucky.”

More good work from the 'peaceful protester's' in Ferguson, this time as a result of the DOJ's trumped up report that had protesters demanding justice.

self serve justice that is...


Two police officers shot, seriously injured in Ferguson

Two police officers were shot and seriously injured early Thursday near the Ferguson, Mo., police headquarters, an incident that occurred amid ongoing protests in the city.

Just hours earlier, the Ferguson police chief had announced his resignation, a decision that came in the wake of a blistering report from the U.S. Department of Justice. Federal investigators said last week they determined that the city’s police force and court system were racially biased and predatory.

Protesters had gathered near the Ferguson police headquarters after Thomas Jackson, the chief of police, said he would step down next week. But the shooting, which occurred after midnight, took place as protests in the area were relatively quiet and after many demonstrators had left, according to police.

“This is really an ambush,” Jon Belmar, chief of St. Louis County police, said during a news conference Thursday morning.

The two officers, one of whom was shot in the face, were in serious condition after the shooting, but police said that the injuries were not life-threatening.

“Fortunately, with both officers, we don’t have any remarkable long-term injuries,” Belmar said. “We’re lucky.”


Don't see too many protests against this shooting now do ya? Some of the ****tards will just call this 'risks of the job' right?