I think you are definitely showing your anti-Muslim leanings. I don't like the full face covering and don't think that should be allowed at something like a citizenship ceremony, but this is a small issue which is blown up to feed the anti-muslim train. As to the Hijab, I see no issue with that. Every immigrant wave has had to go through the phase where the newcomers hold on to their heritage more and then the next generations become more "Canadian". I find much of the hysteria is just to pander to people's fear. Often for political purposes
Hmm, pretty simple, it's a ceremony, your face shouldn't be covered. You sound like a left wingtard reciting that bullshit from trudeau about fear. Btw, the niqab isn't even required in Islam. So it's not a religious thing. I think you don't understand that it is a cultural thing, and we shouldn't change our cultures, especially not to one that is oppressive to women.