Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel government make these ****ers Mullah in Iran look like Gandi!!
Uhm, you do realize that Iran with nukes is not a good thing right? lol
My back ground is from Iran as everyone know and i left the country because of this regime and my religion but i don't get why US, Israel and others need to put their nose on everything that others do, i am not saying Iran is not developing Nukes,everything is possible from Mullahs but the fact is powers in World doesn't like to see a country like Iran with all it natural resources as a power in World. It happened once in 1979 with revolution. You think who brought Khomeini? Same US and France and British.
The day Shah(King) of Iran 4 years before revolution said we don't need any more people with blue eyes his day was counted! He was increasing the price of oil like crazy and US, England, France were suffering like hell!
Sometimes bad people/bad regimes need to be put in order by the rest of the world. That's just necessary, because some dictators/leaders don't have the world's best interest in mind. Especially considering the State has on multiple times expressed interest in wiping out Israel. Either way, I am not going to get into the topic of sanctions and nuclear issues with Iran, I think most people are aware of that. But I do suggest watching the shows 'Shahs of Sunset' it's on Bravo and is a really good show with persians.
hey 25, are you saying life was better under the Shah than the present regime?
I was a year old kid when revolution happened but comparing this regime to Shah's one is like day and night! Of course life was better. In Iran people of my dad generation have expression like: Usually you do revolution when people starves, In Iran people made revolution because stomach was really full!
Khomeini made some promises like: Shah make you pay for electricity, Shah steal your money. People fell in love with him, because he promised stay in Qom( religious city for Mullah, a bit like Vatikan) and let politician decide for politics but once you experience the taste of power is hard to back up! At beginning he promised non Mullah become a president, well it lasted only 3 years!
Shah was man with dignity, he was also a religious guy, if he was a cruel like those a$$holes he would massacre those mother fckers who protested against him, who had their job, their house but was brainwashed by bunch of so called educated westerns Iranians, communists, etc .
I don't say Shah was perfect, he wasn't. But he was a good man, he had wrong people around him. He did a lot in country,40 years a go you walk in street of Tehran and you had feeling you are in Europe! Shah problem was he wanted to be one man show! Many suggested him let do like British, stay as symbolic king and let premier minster take care of country, he refused!
As much as they brainwashed the people during 40 years( 2-3 generations), still when younger generation of 20-30-40 years old do some research and read about history they find out how loyal this man was to his people!
Both him and his dad( Reza) changed Iran image in world, you could go with Iranian passport everywhere and you would be full of praise.Modern Iran is thank to amazing job that his dad did. Universities, train rail,Hospital, job creation, etc
What these Mullah do is just destroying country and each time USA and other open their mouth, that just make them stronger. Money goes directly to Hezbollah in Lebanon and outsource to their supporters in Syria and Lebanon while a lot of people suffer inside!
They just play with image of people, Iranians are very warm and friendly nation which their reputation was effected by bunch of Mofos! The % of Iranian fanatics among regular people are less than 5% maybe and that 5% have tie with government.
I just give you an example that how Mullah made people hate religion. Even normal religious people back to time of Shah lost their faith and beliefs when they see these guys and how they use the name of god and it prophets for their own interest!
As example during month of Ramadan, not probably more than 15 or 20% of country fast while in Arab countries over 90% of people even less religious ones fast!
Good post 25, thank you for sharing that. I believe a lot people in the West (mostly Liberals) think otherwise. An Iranian born friend of mine who still has family in the old country, pretty much says the same things you just did.
One of shah's speech that probably forced British and USA to force regime changing
they don't have them and aren't close.Uhm, you do realize that Iran with nukes is not a good thing right? lol
You are welcome Lou! Again the only reason spiritual guide agree to have an agreement is because the posterity kill inside the country. You buy meat, Rice and a week after the price is double! That is basic need of people!Is sad, really sad what happened to such a country with such old history! Mixing politic with religion is a worse thing that can happen to a nation!
Just show you how dirty politicians can be, Carer and his family had their Christmas vacation in Iran in Christmas of 1979, 9 months before revolution. He said Shah and Farah are my favorite politician couples and 9 months after he responded to Shah hospitality by not even accepting to extend Shah stay in U.S.A for his cancer treatment when he was in exile after revolution!Shah was forced to leave U.S.A before series of stay in other countries like Bahamas, Mexico,Morocco and finally when all doors were closed, his good friend, Sadat of Egypt had him with open arm and where he was died due to cancer couple months later! A nationalist that was not even able to be buried in his own country!