Obviously Congress has to ratify but they should require better reasons for voting against something besides the fact that they're still upset that Blackie McBlack got elected President.
The biggest mistake Obama made was right after his first election when he tried to build bridges with the GOP instead of using his majority in the House and Senate to ram through all of his legislation. he should have known that the GOP was never going to oppose every measure that came down the pike just because it came from him. He should have seen them for the bigots they are and just run roughshod over them while he held a majority in both houses. Now the GOP can prevent him from getting anything done and then blame him for not getting anything done.
Barack Obama
"We know what works. We know what we have to do. We've just got to put aside the stale and outmoded debates." —President Obama
Obviously Congress has to ratify but they should require better reasons for voting against something besides the fact that they're still upset that Blackie McBlack got elected President.
The biggest mistake Obama made was right after his first election when he tried to build bridges with the GOP instead of using his majority in the House and Senate to ram through all of his legislation. he should have known that the GOP was never going to oppose every measure that came down the pike just because it came from him. He should have seen them for the bigots they are and just run roughshod over them while he held a majority in both houses. Now the GOP can prevent him from getting anything done and then blame him for not getting anything done.
You're absolutely clueless about any of this.
Translation: blah blah blah anti-Semitic statement blah blah blah
Would you prefer ****ing Jew then?
I obviously don't agree with your anti-Semitic views.
The Israeili lobby is what fuels the opposition to the deal with Iran. What Israel wants is to dominate the Middle East and do whatever they want in the region. And as long as they don't screw with the Saudis the US turns a blind eye to what they do. Every vote on Capitol Hill is for sale to the highest bidder and Israel and their sycophants in the US have plenty to spend.
Your disagreement doesn't make my views anti-Semitic. Hell, not all Israeili citizens are Jewish. And it's certainly true that not everything they do is right and I'm tired of their apologists playing the hate card whenever someone disagrees with them. If you have a valid counter-argument to make, if you can explain to me why Israel's fight to establish a homeland for themselves back in 1948 was a noble endeavour but the Palestinians trying to do the same thing isn't I'm all ears.
Ok, let's address your comments here. Btw, I am taking a very neutral tone with you versus what I would normally respond to dumb comments from Count. I see you read CNN a lot because they have a very biased view of the geopolitical nature of the region. Firstly, understand the history of Israel and how it came to have the borders it has. That's a major component of understanding the basis for what's going on today. Next, understand the history of Gaza, the palestinian authority, Hamas, West bank, golan heights, hezbollah, iran etc.. So you understand what's going on there. Understand the series of conflicts that's happened and Israel's responses to being attacked along its borders, and within, and all the terrorist activity. Understand the fact that Israel tried handing control over Gaza to Egypt, and what do you think happened? Ya, that's right, they didn't want anything to do with Gaza. Gaza is now a ghetto, not just isolated by Israel, but Egypt too. You wonder why would a fellow muslim/arabic nation block itself off from Gaza also? Those are things you need to look into as well. Do you know that over 900m of funds headed for the people of Gaza were used by Hamas to build tunnels to carry terrorist activities? No, didn't think you did. Do you realize the BILLIONS of dollars that have gone missing from tax dollars collected by israel that's been handed off to the PA? I could go on and on, but I think you are getting the point here. Now, this so called 2 state solution. Gaza can't be run by Hamas, their goal is to wipe Israel off the map, it's in their mandate, and the PA is helpless against them, so it's kind of a double edged sword with Gazan politics, they don't really have anyone who can effectively manage the population. Food/medical supplies that Israel donates, intended for the citizens, but they usually end up getting confiscated by Hamas and not actually given to the right people, which remember, Israel has withdrawn its troops from Gaza so it doesn't have full control. Ok so let's continue here, what exactly do the people of Gaza want when they say they want their own State? Israel has withdrawn from Gaza, they vote themselves on who runs things, Israel handles some financial matters and border security, but they want different parts of Israel for themselves. Israel controls the sea, obviously, because Iran sends in weapons shipments and it falls into Israeli territory so everything has to go through their port first for security. So I am sure they could iron out some things in that respect where Gaza gets their own port. Now, here's where things get messy, the topic of Jerusalem, well guess who wants part of that city? Not ever going to happen, I could see Gaza expanding more South East, but no chance Israel would voluntarily give up part of its capital. Remember, Israel has a lot of concerns, they've slowly tried to let Gaza run itself, which is nearly impossible given their leadership, and they have a group of people whose goal is to eradicate them. So, it's not exactly as easy as saying ok here is your Gaza land, take a bit more of Israel, and run everything yourselves. They can't, and a lot of Gazans work in Israel. So many of them don't like it when Hamas does stupid shit and then Israel gets more strict on their borders, it affects their livelyhoods. At the same time, they are held hostage to Hamas and their militants and what they want.
Ok, let's address your comments here. Btw, I am taking a very neutral tone with you versus what I would normally respond to dumb comments from Count. I see you read CNN a lot because they have a very biased view of the geopolitical nature of the region. Firstly, understand the history of Israel and how it came to have the borders it has. That's a major component of understanding the basis for what's going on today. Next, understand the history of Gaza, the palestinian authority, Hamas, West bank, golan heights, hezbollah, iran etc.. So you understand what's going on there. Understand the series of conflicts that's happened and Israel's responses to being attacked along its borders, and within, and all the terrorist activity. Understand the fact that Israel tried handing control over Gaza to Egypt, and what do you think happened? Ya, that's right, they didn't want anything to do with Gaza.
Gaza is now a ghetto, not just isolated by Israel, but Egypt too. You wonder why would a fellow muslim/arabic nation block itself off from Gaza also? Those are things you need to look into as well. Do you know that over 900m of funds headed for the people of Gaza were used by Hamas to build tunnels to carry terrorist activities? No, didn't think you did. Do you realize the BILLIONS of dollars that have gone missing from tax dollars collected by israel that's been handed off to the PA? I could go on and on, but I think you are getting the point here. Now, this so called 2 state solution. Gaza can't be run by Hamas, their goal is to wipe Israel off the map, it's in their mandate, and the PA is helpless against them, so it's kind of a double edged sword with Gazan politics, they don't really have anyone who can effectively manage the population. Food/medical supplies that Israel donates, intended for the citizens, but they usually end up getting confiscated by Hamas and not actually given to the right people, which remember, Israel has withdrawn its troops from Gaza so it doesn't have full control.
Ok so let's continue here, what exactly do the people of Gaza want when they say they want their own State?
Israel has withdrawn from Gaza, they vote themselves on who runs things, Israel handles some financial matters and border security, but they want different parts of Israel for themselves. Israel controls the sea, obviously, because Iran sends in weapons shipments and it falls into Israeli territory so everything has to go through their port first for security. So I am sure they could iron out some things in that respect where Gaza gets their own port. Now, here's where things get messy, the topic of Jerusalem, well guess who wants part of that city? Not ever going to happen, I could see Gaza expanding more South East, but no chance Israel would voluntarily give up part of its capital. Remember, Israel has a lot of concerns, they've slowly tried to let Gaza run itself, which is nearly impossible given their leadership, and they have a group of people whose goal is to eradicate them.
So, it's not exactly as easy as saying ok here is your Gaza land, take a bit more of Israel, and run everything yourselves. They can't, and a lot of Gazans work in Israel. So many of them don't like it when Hamas does stupid shit and then Israel gets more strict on their borders, it affects their livelyhoods. At the same time, they are held hostage to Hamas and their militants and what they want.
The pre-Hezbollah Lebanon was mostly comprised of Christians, and it was a modern, economical, and prosperous country that imaged France and Switzerland.
So the Lebanese were more than happy to see the Jewish people build a strong and prosperous neighbouring country...a country with whom they had hopes of having strong economical relations, and help build a modernized Middle East....amongst the surrounding barbaric nations that still live in the middle ages...
And then the Palestinians came in, and Hezbollah got stronger....and now Lebanon will never be the same.
From experience, Christian Lebanese won't say it publicly, but they tend to take the Israeli side of things...maybe it's because Israel actually want what us Lebanese had and lost, which is a peaceful and strong country. And besides, the idea of having young girls explode themselves in public places doesn't really sound like a culture that wants to prosper. It actually sounds barbaric...
Just my 2 cents...you don't have to believe everything I say.....just use your logic when listening to the news