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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

I dont like the Liberal plan, I only end up paying more. I got the nice family tax cut this year which goes away and then part of my income will be hit at 33% ugh

Come on count, you're a rich lawyer, you can afford to pay your fair share. Those welfare recipients need your money to buy their cigs and vodka.
Come on count, you're a rich lawyer, you can afford to pay your fair share. Those welfare recipients need your money to buy their cigs and vodka.

I don't like the increase to 33% of all my income over $200,000.00. That kind of sucks but he is reducing by a little the tax I pay on my income under $135,000.00 I believe.

Rich is relative though. I don't own a huge house like Krust as Contessa and I made a decision to remain in a smaller abode and spend a ton of holidays every year.
Аrpon Basu
I guess Alberta and Quebec are more alike than we thought.
Alberta has oil.

If or when the price goes back up, Alberta can actually afford the social programs it wants.

Instead of, I dunno, sucking up equalization payments and then bitching about the oil sands which fund those equalization payments.
No what's better is having the rich pay for everything so other people don't need to work as hard, that sounds a whole lot better. I am not a high income earner, but I firmly believe there should be a flat tax rate. Why should people who earn more be penalized for it, just because they can 'afford' it? That's pretty stupid.

During the Eisenhower administration the highest tax rate was 92% on incomes above $400,000 and it was easily the most prosperous period in modern history. Today the highest rate in the US is only 35% for incomes of about $380,000 not counting all the loopholes that rich asshats and their lobbyists have had built into the tax code that only they qualify for (like deducting the cost of their private jets) and we're running out of money to fund social programs or infrastructure of any kind, which is exactly what the rich asshats want.
During the Eisenhower administration the highest tax rate was 92% on incomes above $400,000 and it was easily the most prosperous period in modern history. Today the highest rate in the US is only 35% for incomes of about $380,000 not counting all the loopholes that rich asshats and their lobbyists have had built into the tax code that only they qualify for (like deducting the cost of their private jets) and we're running out of money to fund social programs or infrastructure of any kind, which is exactly what the rich asshats want.

You shouldn't count on rich people subsidizing everything, that's bad economics and goes against capitalism. Also, I wouldn't correlate that time period of prosperity and taxes as any kind of indication that they are related. A little country called China has taken over, and that has nothing to do with taxes. People become reliant on social programs, all you do is encourage that. Also, you need bigger government to control these programs and run them, more wastefulness. You want the poor to piggy back off the rich, you need a balance, crossing that balance results in less productivity. Why should anyone be motivated to make more (when they will just give it back in taxes) when they can just sit back and live off the government.
Not just rich individuals have to pay their fair share, rich corporations do too. You have to put in laws that punish these companies from outsourcing to China and other countries where workers get paid jack just to avoid paying workers at home a livable wage. Government needs to tell these companies that if they want to do business here then they need to employ people here. Punish those companies which outsource in order to circumvent unions and health & safety regulations and reward those which stay engaged in the domestic economy.

Because that's another facet of the economy during the Eisenhower years: about 1/3 of the workforce had a union job. Today unions and good paying union jobs are rare and most people who used to be able to support a family, buy a house, a car etc. now have to work 2 or sometimes 3 $hitty jobs just to keep the lights on. The only reason it even looks like there's still such a thing as the middle class is because people today can carry consumer debt (credit cards, loans) that they couldn't get (and largely didn't need) back in the day.
that is part of the problem with Scandinavia, high taxes and high numbers on govt dole, but the people are better educated, live well and are happier.
Re: The Before I go to Tampa for Game 6 GDT: Habs against the World - Troisieme Fois

Krusty, bad Amtrak train derailment in Philadelphia. Anywhere near you?
Re: The Before I go to Tampa for Game 6 GDT: Habs against the World - Troisieme Fois

CNN showing 5 dead, 50 injured
Re: The Before I go to Tampa for Game 6 GDT: Habs against the World - Troisieme Fois

I'm surprised that no one here has been talking about how Justin Trudeau committed political suicide by voting in favour of Bill C-51. A lot of Liberal supporters are burning their party membership cards in protest and vowing to vote NDP. I don't know if Harper has compromising photos of Justin or what but it was a huge miscalculation that will likely cost the Grits the next election.

One of the most cutting comments I read on Justin's facebook wall was from a poster who wrote: "Your father gave us a constitution and charter of rights and today you voted to tear them up"
I do not agree with it for sure but part of me thinks that if the Beard is against something, maybe by definition, I should be in favour. Then again, if Harper is for something, I should probably be against it.
I do not agree with it for sure but part of me thinks that if the Beard is against something, maybe by definition, I should be in favour. Then again, if Harper is for something, I should probably be against it.

Well then you're in a real pickle because Harper is in favour (even though he curiously abstained when the vote was called - how very Machiavellian of him) and the Beard is against.
Re: The Before I go to Tampa for Game 6 GDT: Habs against the World - Troisieme Fois

And yet the Republicans want to slash Amtrak funding to the bone which only ensures more of these disasters in the future.

How the hell does more funding mitigate a train going 106 in a 50 mph zone?

The asshat engineer who engineered this crash has lawyered up and refuses to give a statement....Now that's someone with concerns.

106 in a 50 and some idiots want to talk infrastructure. :thumbsup(22):