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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

Honest? seriously?

He was going to declare independence regardless of the outcome of the partnership negotiations and didn't care.

He was a pompous arrogant blowhard. I feel badly for his family that he is dead but his entire goal was to ruin my country so I certainly cannot say I respected him. I'm sure though that money and les votes ethniques will be at his funeral.

Nor should he have. Don't agree with his stance, but 50+1% would have given him that right. He was also a very intelligent & educated man - albeit in a professorial manner & inccorectly thought governing "people" was an academia exercise.

As for "money & politics" statement, what do u expect - he was a "bourgeoisie Outremontais", the Conrad Black equivalent of Quebec. No concept of the "common man", but which elitist does?
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His legacy will remain that he basically fked up this province good. Investors/companies all were completely scared off by that madman and it was a further boost to Ontario's development. Him and Bouchard were a back to back duo that ultimately was the final nail in the coffin for la belle province.

How's Ontario doing? lol
Honest. Yes, he honestly was a racist bastard. And I'm honestly glad he's dead and don't give a shit if his family is sad about it or not. I only wish it would have happened 20 years ago.

I hope that when he arrives at the gates of Hell, the sign on the door is in English only.

I really hope you die in pain. You are an ignorant liar.

How was he racist, except from one sentence "money and ethnic vote" that he was right about?
You hope another poster dies in pain because what they wrote on a message board? You have Mental issues
He's happy someone is dead, so I just hope the same for him. That is all. You think I care about that loser? lol.
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He's happy someone is dead, so I just hope the same for him. That is all. You think I care about that loser? lol.

My favorite argument of all time. The "I don't care about him, but I'm still going to finish writing this post to insult him." argument.
I really hope you die in pain. You are an ignorant liar.

How was he racist, except from one sentence "money and ethnic vote" that he was right about?

How was he racist except that time he was racist?

If he wanted to be correct, he should have said, "money, the ethnic vote, and Quebeckers of every stripe who aren't reactionary, small-minded bigots."
He's happy someone is dead, so I just hope the same for him. That is all. You think I care about that loser? lol.

I'm also happy that Hitler, Stalin and Osama Bin Laden are dead. I'm very intolerant of intolerance. And I especially dislike people like Parizeau who are smart enough to know better but still play to the prejudice of the less sophisticated in order to get votes. He knew better than anyone that the majority of Quebeckers, especially unilingual francophones, would be hurt the most by independence. But he was too busy trying to live out his Louis XIV fantasies to care.
No. Just no. #ChrisChristie

Nor should he have. Don't agree with his stance, but 50+1% would have given him that right. He was also a very intelligent & educated man - albeit in a professorial manner & inccorectly thought governing "people" was an academia exercise.

As for "money & politics" statement, what do u expect - he was a "bourgeoisie Outremontais", the Conrad Black equivalent of Quebec. No concept of the "common man", but which elitist does?

If you eliminate all the personal vendetta on both side, Sal's opinion is the closest of the truth.

Parizeau was a very polarizing person. You liked him or not. I didn't like him much but you can't deny the guy was one of the most intelligent person in the country, Especially financially. If he didn't had goals for separation, he could have raised through the highest spheres of our country financial institution.

About the honest comment, I'd say he didn't care about bullshit and true, he would rather say the truth than give bullshit excuses or try to twist the truth to his advantage. If he did, he might have won that referendum unlike that Chretien did and how illegally, they spent millions to help prevent the separation (which I didn't for).
About the honest comment, I'd say he didn't care about bullshit and true, he would rather say the truth than give bullshit excuses or try to twist the truth to his advantage. If he did, he might have won that referendum unlike that Chretien did and how illegally, they spent millions to help prevent the separation (which I didn't for).

Let's not forget about all the votes the PQers 's tried to not count or even voted
The issue is one of context, 99.9% of us as human beings normally default to not wanting to take an extra minute to understand where an individual speaking to us is coming from, not just geographically, but also from a perspective looking glass.

Parizeau came from a bourgeoisie upbringing in a Quebec "ne pour un petit pain" - I don't remember the stats, but under the extremely corrupt Duplessis regime over half the population didn't even have a primary education. When doing my graduate studies I stumbled upon Parizeau's PhD thesis, the irony of it all, his thesis adviser was a follower of Keynesian economics, and Parizeau became a staunch follower himself.

Were it not for Parizeau as Finance minister in Levesque's PQ government, the province would've imploded upon PQ being elected let alone the 1980 referendum - Hydro Quebec, Caisse de Depot & Placement, Fonds de Solidarite were levers he personally created - for a province that completely lacked structure.

As I posted earlier, he never had the "capabilities" needed to govern a population, but was a brilliant economist & financier.
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I'm also happy that Hitler, Stalin and Osama Bin Laden are dead. I'm very intolerant of intolerance. And I especially dislike people like Parizeau who are smart enough to know better but still play to the prejudice of the less sophisticated in order to get votes. He knew better than anyone that the majority of Quebeckers, especially unilingual francophones, would be hurt the most by independence. But he was too busy trying to live out his Louis XIV fantasies to care.

Wow, I really wish you die now. You are probably the most ignorant person on this board, period, about politics. Every single thing you mentionned is only perception-based comments. You know sh*t about Parizeau and it shows.

I feel ashamed you are a Habs fan.
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In a less tolerant country, Parizeau would have been hanged for treason and rightly so. It would have saved the taxpayers a lot of money on the sovereignty motion that was never going to happen no matter how the vote went. In the end, money talks and bullshit walks. Quebec couldn't separate even if it wanted to because there is no reality in which Quebec can be independent AND keep sucking on the Federal government's teat. If Parizeau had declared independence, the ROC would have said "Fine, as soon as you've paid your bills you can leave and if you leave you leave with nothing." It's not that the ROC cares all that much if Quebec separates or not. They'd probably be better off in the long run without Quebec draining the federal coffers. But they aren't going to pay Quebec to leave either, which is, effectively, what so-called "sovereignty association" is all about: Quebec gets to go its own way but the rest of the country still pays all the bills. Sorry, not going to happen.

As to Sal's point, the Duplessis regime perfectly illustrates why the nationalists were always full of crap when they argued that the reason francophones were at such a disadvantage was because the English were keeping them down. In fact it was always one of their own that was doing that. If French schools were inferior to English ones it was because the French allowed their schools to be run by the Catholic church which had different priorities when it came to education. Simply put, the church didn't want their flock to be too educated. They preferred them to be obedient and not ask questions. But inventing an Anglo boogeyman is a better vote-getter than admitting that francophones were being kept down by other francophones.

And now that he's dead, Parizeau will be yet another duplicitous politician who's name will be plastered over an English name on a street sign, one more attempt by the pequistes to expunge any evidence that English people ever played any role in the evolution of the city. One more attempt to make English Montreal history disappear, even though without them Montreal today would be nothing more than a French-speaking version of Saskatoon: a small, insignificant provincial hick town.