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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

We get caught up in despising their oppressive regimes. Relishing their inevitable end....only to see the power vacuum filled by even greater evil. And that's what it is.

Do I really need to point out what followed Sadaam? Or Kaddafi....and other oppressive regimes in that part of the world.

We can sit back and ruminate over what is, but cannot be blind to what follows...which hasn't been better yet, that's for sure. They need both social and religious reform in the worst way. But I believe it'll take a horrific human toll to get there.
I agreee. That is exactly why I was opposed to Iraq 2003 (apart from the fact Saddam wasn't responsible for 9-11 or in league with Al-Queda, he was obviously their enemy). Everyone knew about the Sunni-Shia-Kurd split and the likelihood of civil war, but the PNAC desktop warriors pulled the trigger anyway.

My guess is that Saudi would morph into a military-industrial dictatorship like Pakistan after a prolonged period of settling of scores. Low grade civil/tribal war, with occassional flare ups would be a permanent state of affairs (if it isn't already).
Barack Obama
"It’s up to all of us ... to help make the right to health care a reality for all Americans." —President Obama #ACAWorks
Rou, you are a good nationalist. What is more important to you, having a thriving Quebec economy where all make more $$ French English or allos, or making sure society and signs are French, losing allos and English to Ontario but living in French?
Rou, you are a good nationalist. What is more important to you, having a thriving Quebec economy where all make more $$ French English or allos, or making sure society and signs are French, losing allos and English to Ontario but living in French?

I'm looking at the Ontario economy right now... well... language is not the issue.
We are happy you are gone too!
Yes, I'm sure that quebec is pleased that all the time, energy and money they put into me during school and services is going to good use in Alberta.

Quite the return on their investment. And when you consider that of 60 percent of my childhood friends are gone or planning to leave that shit hole province, to take their skills and taxable earning elsewhere to escape the toxic political/language atmosphere, I'm sure la belle province is just giddy.

Less English people to worry about at the end of the day. All that really matters.
I'm still waiting for an answer to my question my little nationalist friend,,,,
The answer is he would rather a poor purely french quebec. I don't know why he won't just come out and say that because to be honest, quebec is poor and French dominant already.

Constantly underperforming compared to all the other provinces, among the highest unemployment rates, sucking up billions in equalization payments, shamelessly I might add, constantly asking for more, and a unfavorable demographic situation.

Their response? Make things harder for businesses in order to promote french, treat English quebecers(oxymoron) like second class citizens driving them to other provinces, and fostering a hostile environment for immigrants which is one of the few ways they can maintain and grow their population considering the below replacement level birth rate.

Good economy and wealth growth? Nobody cares