Idi Admin
We get caught up in despising their oppressive regimes. Relishing their inevitable end....only to see the power vacuum filled by even greater evil. And that's what it is.
Do I really need to point out what followed Sadaam? Or Kaddafi....and other oppressive regimes in that part of the world.
We can sit back and ruminate over what is, but cannot be blind to what follows...which hasn't been better yet, that's for sure. They need both social and religious reform in the worst way. But I believe it'll take a horrific human toll to get there.
Do I really need to point out what followed Sadaam? Or Kaddafi....and other oppressive regimes in that part of the world.
We can sit back and ruminate over what is, but cannot be blind to what follows...which hasn't been better yet, that's for sure. They need both social and religious reform in the worst way. But I believe it'll take a horrific human toll to get there.