There will always be radicals. Sure education would cure a lot of it but they're not allowing people to get educated. Why should I give a shit about someone that's willing to blow themselves up again?
They're already there. 1000 troops.
Rolex is right, the fcukers in Iran spend lots of budget of the country to send troops to Syria.
He was fired because of the sponsor issue. I don't agree with the sexual harassment angle. Is he a lech? Probably. Did they accept money? Yep.
The piling on that came afterward was dumb. He'll pop up somewhere, he's too popular for someone to not take a chance on him.
Herman CainDisagree with the sexual harassment angle part.
Why do you think his sponsors are fleeing him?
Sexual assault claims->sponsors fleeing->fired.
Maybe him, Milo's and Lahren can start something.
Good diversity. Old white guy, young gay man, young white woman.
Well, they may need a black guy.
The second a woman takes money for a settlement she loses all standing in the sexual harassment arena. You also seem to think that woman don't sue for the money.
Not victim blaming here, just pointing out that this is a contractual issue.
He was fired because of the sponsor issue. I don't agree with the sexual harassment angle. Is he a lech? Probably. Did they accept money? Yep.
The piling on that came afterward was dumb. He'll pop up somewhere, he's too popular for someone to not take a chance on him.
The second a woman takes money for a settlement she loses all standing in the sexual harassment arena. You also seem to think that woman don't sue for the money.
Not victim blaming here, just pointing out that this is a contractual issue.
Because the moral issue took a backseat to money. If you are really offended, go all the way to court. Stand up for what you believe in.
Many of these women use lechery by men to advance financially. You take the money you lose the moral high ground.
the ****er in Washington went imposed ridiculous duties on our lumber exports even though the US always loses in court