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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.


The reason I cringe whenever people talk about how bad trump is doing. The Democrats aren't doing much better.

But most damaging has been the Democrats’ seemingly nonstop efforts to further alienate the millions of Americans who twice voted for Barack Obama but switched to Trump last year. The president’s critics have pointed to a Post-ABC News poll, which showed that Trump had not expanded his base of support since he took office. Well, Trump did not need to expand his base. He won the election (and the poll suggested that if the election were held again today, he would not only defeat Hillary Clinton again but also win the popular vote this time).

The ones who need to expand their base are Democrats — the party that lost — and they utterly failed to so. According to the Post-ABC News poll, only two per cent of Americans who voted for Trump regret their votes, while fully 96 per cent say it was the right thing to do. In other words, after 100 days, Democrats made no inroads with these Obama-Trump voters. Quite the opposite, today just 28 per cent of Americans say that the Democratic Party is in touch with the concerns of most Americans today — 10 points behind Trump.

While early, the signs are troubling. Things continue to go this route and trump wins in 2020.
What Experts Fear About North Korea That the Public Doesn’t Know
Intel from former director at the White House National Security Council.

President Trump recently warned that a “major, major conflict” with North Korea is possible. He may be right. Given the escalation of rhetoric from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un—with the country’s official newspaper warning Tuesday that the U.S. could face a “preemptive nuclear strike” on its mainland—there is no greater potential global flashpoint. Despite the recent spike in news coverage, the mainstream media as well as some key decision makers seem to be missing seven critical facts.

pffft ... Obamacare was full of holes, boys. Of better use to those who exceeded the huge co-pays. Shouldn't be rocket science to improve ... but perfection never. Why?

it's ****ing Gov't
ACA might not have been perfect, but it was better than the previous system. It is like how democracy is not the best form of govt but it is better than anything man has come up with over the last billion years.
pffft ... Obamacare was full of holes, boys. Of better use to those who exceeded the huge co-pays. Shouldn't be rocket science to improve ... but perfection never. Why?

it's ****ing Gov't

Obamacare wasn't perfect. There were issues, no doubt.

I don't see how having a bill that scored as poorly as this did with the CBO, then making a couple changes, not waiting for the new CBO report, and passing it as quickly as possible, without many who voted for it even reading it, makes any sense at all here though. It just doesn't make sense to put this through, this rushed, having no idea if it actually fixes the problem or creates a bigger one.

Goddamn stupid idiotic reporting.

Where's the army they are asking. Why didn't the army get deployed before everything was flooded?

Why? Because the Army cannot simply deploy soldiers into civilian areas and assist, never mind take over any emergency operations.

And unlike in the USA, the Premiers don't have semi quasi control over the reserves/national guard. In Canada, the only way for the Army to be deployed to assist civil authorities is for the Premier of the province to request military assistance.

So where was the army?

Waiting to go,

Waiting to go,

Waiting to go,

Areas are getting flooded, or will shortly be flooded,

Waiting to go,

Everything is flooded

Respective Premier gets off their sorry ass and calls for assistance, army calls in personnel from home, begins to move, reviewing where they need to go and what assistance the province is asking for, gets there, everything is well and flooded already.

Who gets the blame?

The Army.

FU Canada. This exact same scenario played out when I was in Calgary for their floods, yeah, you know the water level has been rising for weeks, lets call the Army in after the red river has Saddledome looking like a swimming pool. What exactly are we suppose to do after the fact?

(Had a Quebecer shoot us the finger and call us useless today)
My favorite was the reporting on the scoops of ice cream. The left has gone full moron.
And as for Comey, I would have fired him for failing to recommend indictment and grand jury against Clinton. Intent is not a requirement when dealing with classified information. Ask the many people in Leavenworth. **** him.

Of course we knew what the narrative would be the second the news came out. The same people that were bitching about Comey 24 hours earlier were all of a sudden his biggest supporters. ****ing hypocrites.
Comey deserved to be fired, IMHO, BUT, the way trump went about it was completely messed up.

Did it right after subpoena went out, didn't consult his staff, comey found out over the news, mixed messages by his surrogates, everything about this was sloppy.
And as for Comey, I would have fired him for failing to recommend indictment and grand jury against Clinton. Intent is not a requirement when dealing with classified information. Ask the many people in Leavenworth. **** him.

Of course we knew what the narrative would be the second the news came out. The same people that were bitching about Comey 24 hours earlier were all of a sudden his biggest supporters. ****ing hypocrites.

I agree, it is pretty hypocritical to praise Comey for his actions during Trumps campaign stops, and then fire him, citing those same actions when he's president.

But doing it a couple of days after Comey asks for more resources into the investigation into Trumps campaign is the nice little cherry on top of the shit optics sundae.
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Re: OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

These are the same Democrats that were begging Obama to fire Comey at the end of his presidency. It's political show.
Re: OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

That thread on the leaf board is a shit show.

One day someone will realize it's the President that ultimately decides what is confidential or classified.
Re: OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

That thread on the leaf board is a shit show.

One day someone will realize it's the President that ultimately decides what is confidential or classified.

Yeah, the moment after he leaks it to the Russians, he unclassified it. Fantastic.

Irresponsible, and hurts America's standing in the world. Gets allies to mistrust giving information to the United States. Has a bunch of ramnifications for US Security in the both the immediate, medium term and long-term, puts the people gathering the intel at risk of being exposed and murdered.... but sure i guess you're right, its not technically illegal.
Remember this was intel from AN ALLY who provided on terms that the Americans keep it secret. You can bet that damaged the Intel sharing relationship with that ally.

But sure, as long as Trump didn't break the law, it's fine he made country less secure by harming intel sharing relationships for a boast to the Russian ambassador.
Remember this was intel from AN ALLY who provided on terms that the Americans keep it secret. You can bet that damaged the Intel sharing relationship with that ally.

But sure, as long as Trump didn't break the law, it's fine he made country less secure by harming intel sharing relationships for a boast to the Russian ambassador.
