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OT: Soccer thread

actually it was almost 6 minutes waiting for thjt FK.

and now another brutal tackle for another dangerous FK.
this game always had to be decided by PKs, even if the ref refused to give any during normal play.
I will never not love that man.

his pressers every week at Tottenham were must watch viewing, and I couldn’t have enjoyed it more.
He apparently plays some exciting football, so at least we’re getting back to our roots….

I’m kinda looking forward to no European football for a year too…..Champions League is awesome, but our odds are some much lower than the big clubs, and Europa I personally love, but you also know even if you win you’ll catch stick for that being the trophy to end the drought.

Mostly tho, it just always ends up fucking your season one way or another playing that much football on a shoestring budget compared to the big clubs, that have half a dozen world class subs to swap in and out.

Wish we’d had one full year of just Prem football under Conte, for instance..
Well, it’s a trade off. There are revenues, especially with the CL. But it’s taxing for the roster. This might be a good year for a new manager to take a pause and consolidate.