must've seen about 10 variations of that comment last night on Twitter, especially coming from right-leaning people. Part of this whole movement to declare that everything real is actually fake, and vice-versa, i guess. Project Blue Beam and the New World Order.
This whole thing is pretty weird though, they leaked info about the Chinese balloon and haven't really explained much of anything since.
why is the right so fucking stupid? not a one of them in circulation now radiates much in the way of intelligence.
conservatism has something to offer on paper, but so many of these prominent types are nothing but slogan driven attack dogs more suitable for employment at the Ministry of Love.
Multidecadal oscillation of the Earth’s inner core, coinciding with length of day and magnetic field variations, is experiencing a pause and reversing, according to analysis of repeating seismic waves traversing the inner core since the 1960s.
On the one hand, these days I do kind of want everything related to Musk to crash and burn in embarrassing fashion.
On the other hand, I’m a space exploration nerd and this thing needs to work for humans to get back to the moon in any kind of reasonable time-frame. Hmmm…