A few years ago when I was eating low carbish/primal it was incredible how different my tastes were. I didn't crave bread or sweets at all. Great benefits too. Effortless weight maintenance, eat as much as you want when you're hungry, never feel bloated.
When I did it years ago I was coming off a week of insane strep throat where I lost 15-20 pounds, and decided to make the switch once I could eat again. Seemed easy maybe because the strep took care of the reset for me. A few years later and man is it hard to get back there. The carb flu is real. Girlfriend doesn't make it easier with the foods she likes. And as soon as some work stress hits I'm reaching for a burger and fries.
Might have to read Sissons' stuff again to find the motivation, thanks for linking. What do you do for snacks? That's always a struggle for me.