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OT: The News Thread

It is a shame that Joe Rogan is ruining his brand with this garbage.

What does he care? This is the luxury his Spotify deal affords him.

Now that he no longer has to worry about sponsorship dollars or appealing to the widest possible audience for his the sake of livelihood, he’s obviously feeling free to be his authentic self.
I didn't realize it at the time, but my favorite part about this is that the Rogan fanboys losing their shit over it, grasping at straws trying to explain why this is some deplorable act. These are the same people who complain about "muh freedom" but for some reason Neil isn't allowed to make a decision about something that HE owns!!!
If bands and singers can pull their creations from streaming services on a whim because they don't like one other product on the entire service (and demand that it be removed), the entire concept will collapse. We already pay for way too many streaming services as it is. I'm not a huge Neil Young fan, but hypothetically if I want to listen to his music, should I have to subscribe to a 2nd service just to access it because of this dumbass demand? Should Ted Nugent then pull his music because they host a liberal podcast that promotes vaccines?

Marvel should threaten to pull their movies until George Lucas removes the "Greedo shoots first" scene from Star Wars.
Beyonce already limits where her music can be streamed, how is this any different?
Seems like a weird hill to die on.
He did the same thing when Trump was using "Keep on rocking in the free world" at his rallies. Young has no intention of letting Spotify get away with the "we're just an app" defense. He's also smart enough to know that Spotify will choose Rogan and his audience of 11 million idiots over Young because money is the only thing that is ever allowed to matter. But Young doesn't care nor should he. This is about principles. Young has them, Spotify doesn't and they don't care.
The whole point of owning IP is that you can do whatever you want with it. Pull it on a whim, to save the planet, or anything in between. It's that artist's choice whether or not to provide you with the convenience of accessing their library on your preferred streaming platform.

I actually wish artists and athletes took principled stands like this, at the expense of their own bank accounts, more often. Not less.
What was it Michael Jordan said? "Even Republicans buy sneakers"?

99.9% of artists and athletes worship at the altar of the Almighty Dollar. Jordan never gave a shit that the ones who came before him had to literally risk their lives so that one day he could become a multi-millionaire any more than he gave a shit about the slave labor used in the factories where his sneakers were made.
The other issue is that people don’t actually understand what censorship is. Private companies like Twitter and Spotify are not government organizations they are private companies with platforms. Removing people from their platforms is not censorship. If Spotify were to remove Joe Rogan that would not be censorship. He still has other platforms he can spread his misinformation on.
Well he is saying cancel Joe Rogan, or I'm taking my ball and going home.
No, he's saying what he said, which is that Spotify can either have Rogan or Young but not both. Young knows damn well that Spotify, if forced to choose, is going to go with the anti-vax conspiracy theorist with 11 million subscribers over his music. He doesn't care. He doesn't care because he has principles. He doesn't care because he cares more about being able to look at himself in the mirror and to know who the fuck he is and what he stands for. Unlike so many boomers of Young's vintage, Young never morphed into an SUV driving, Republican voting hypocrite. He didn't support the peace movement in the 60's just because he was trying to get laid and that's what chicks back then were into. He walks the walk. He doesn't give a shit if it costs money because money is not his god. Never was.
He did the same thing when Trump was using "Keep on rocking in the free world" at his rallies. Young has no intention of letting Spotify get away with the "we're just an app" defense. He's also smart enough to know that Spotify will choose Rogan and his audience of 11 million idiots over Young because money is the only thing that is ever allowed to matter. But Young doesn't care nor should he. This is about principles. Young has them, Spotify doesn't and they don't care.
I was talking about Axl, not Neil Young.
He is advocating for censorship, no matter how you guys want to word it.

“I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform,” he continued. “They can have [Joe] Rogan or Young. Not both.”
He's advocating for Spotify to grow a fucking conscience instead of just blindly taking the money. And he's putting them on notice that he isn't blind and will not be helping them to make money by having his songs on their platform. The only one being censored is Young and he's doing it himself. He isn't telling Spotify that they have to remove Rogan, just that he doesn't want to be associated with Spotify as long as they continue to associate with Rogan. You are judged by the company you keep and Young doesn't want to be judged for making money off of the same platform as a scumbag like Rogan.

This is the same reason why I never give Trump voters a free pass when they say that they aren't racists but voted for him because they wanted the tax cuts. Sorry, that's not how any of this works. If you vote for a racist you are either a racist or at least racist-adjacent which is just as bad. People who watch or listen to Rogan are complicit in a campaign of misinformation. I don't care that he will occasionally interview someone I like, I don't give him oxygen. I self-censor him by not subscribing to him.
Not to be a complete cunt (yes, I'm aware at how natural I make it look)...but this is kind of a terrible question with even a cursory glance at historical analogues (Germany, Italy, Spain, etc). There's a whole shitload of difference between democracy teetering on the brink, and full blown authoritarianism. The Republicans either have or nearly have the machinery in place to simply set aside the results of the 2024 election. If you think that dealing with their mewling is bad, wait until he has all the power he lamented about not having during his first run. There's no shortage of Trump quotes of him talking about power that he wished he had. We're a couple of years away from that going down for real.

i knew you were going to take it seriously

and agreed
The whole point of owning IP is that you can do whatever you want with it. Pull it on a whim, to save the planet, or anything in between. It's that artist's choice whether or not to provide you with the convenience of accessing their library on your preferred streaming platform.

I actually wish artists and athletes took principled stands like this, at the expense of their own bank accounts, more often. Not less.
neil is punk rock
Yes. The Greedo thing is far more egregious. Joe Rogan believes this shit. I don't agree with it, I have lost a ton of respect for him over it. I just don't think shows need to be cancelled just because you disagree with them. If that's where we're heading, everybody is going to get cancelled eventually.

If Neil Young cares so much about the issue, a far more effective way to get his message out there would be to go on the Joe Rogan show.

You can't cancel Spotify just because you don't like one piece of content on there. Otherwise, they should be put out of business for streaming Nickelback albums.
rogan is killing people

i would not want to be associated with him either