Try chocolate
what kind and %?
Try chocolate
You will never win this battle against the coffee hipster brigade. I prefer black coffee (hell I used to temp the water I used to be as precise as possible with every cup), but I'm a big believer in customization to suit ones tastes on all cuisine. But you will NEVER win vs the brigade. Stand down.
what kind and %?
I do too! And some people prefer a splash of milk and may even find it accentuates the flavor of a coffee with freshly roasted beans from Colombia. If that's how they feel then I'm not gonna tell them that it's not actually how they feel.I disagree somewhat. I consider them different drinks.
Coffee is quite versatile. And has different uses. I gulp my espresso in 10 seconds like an addict wanting a quick fix.
Those who dilute that same shot with milk and water tend to seek a longer sipping experience to complement other activities like catching up on emails, etc
Yeah, I like that perspective. Was a shift worker for a long time and got used to coffee any which way. Mood, convenience, desperation, activity, whatever dummy took my order and made my coffee wrong that day, no matter.I disagree somewhat. I consider them different drinks.
Coffee is quite versatile. And has different uses. I gulp my espresso in 10 seconds like an addict wanting a quick fix.
Those who dilute that same shot with milk and water tend to seek a longer sipping experience to complement other activities like catching up on emails, etc
I do too! And some people prefer a splash of milk and may even find it accentuates the flavor of a coffee with freshly roasted beans from Colombia. If that's how they feel then I'm not gonna tell them that it's not actually how they feel.
Though I agree that milk with lighter or even some medium roasts doesn't quite make much sense.
Yeah, this pretty much explains my beverage choice to a T. I can nurse my latte until well after lunch. Hell, some days it makes it till the end of the workday.I disagree somewhat. I consider them different drinks.
Coffee is quite versatile. And has different uses. I gulp my espresso in 10 seconds like an addict wanting a quick fix.
Those who dilute that same shot with milk and water tend to seek a longer sipping experience to complement other activities like catching up on emails, etc
I prefer a bit of cream but if there's none in the fridge because I forgot to buy some I drink it black and it's fine. But if the cream is there I'll add some.I like good coffee that also has cream in it. go figure.
I use moka pot exclusively, I like its one-of-a-kind taste, but I especially enjoy the ritual of using it. Like 1/8th tsp of sugar and cream and it's heavenly for me. 365 days a year, every morning.
Yep. If you camp on an island or a point, the breeze usually keeps the skitters away at least during the day by mid to late July. The deer flies though? Those Bastiges chew on you.I mean it's not a hard and fast "JULY" cut off date. but once it warms up enough it burns off the skeeters. I don't mind the mossy's myself, after a childhood spending summers in Muskoka I don't really react to them, but blackflies are the fucking worst. I loathe them.
plus, if it's cool enough for the bugs, it's usually cool enough for me to just cover all my exposed skin comfortably anyhow (I don't do deet or bug spray, shit is poison).
plus, if you know what you're doing you can usually keep them away from your campsite (smoke, wind, etc.)
and yeah, when you're next to the water, you can always be a comfortable temp. hell, water for cool, campfire for warm, as needed.
I actually don't mind the horse and deer flies much at all. They give you so much warning before a bite that I'm of the view that you have ample time to defend yourself, and they're super easy to kill. I also don't mind them buzzing around my head all that much either which I think puts me in a big minority though...Yep. If you camp on an island or a point, the breeze usually keeps the skitters away at least during the day by mid to late July. The deer flies though? Those Bastiges chew on you.
Yep. If you camp on an island or a point, the breeze usually keeps the skitters away at least during the day by mid to late July. The deer flies though? Those Bastiges chew on you.