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OT: Vacations

I, for one, hope Gordo's wive is having a terrific vacation. Not sure why mindzeye got so upset over it but it is what it is.
Napoli Vs Rome
Berlin Vs Munich


Naples > Rome (although should do both if you can). Naples is cheaper, better pizza, and Pompei is crazy to see.
Berlin > Munich (except Oktoberfest, then Munich > anything else). I'm not as crazy on Berlin as some people are, but still more to see there than Munich unless if the festhall season is upon you.
Naples > Rome (although should do both if you can). Naples is cheaper, better pizza, and Pompei is crazy to see.
Berlin > Munich (except Oktoberfest, then Munich > anything else). I'm not as crazy on Berlin as some people are, but still more to see there than Munich unless if the festhall season is upon you.

I've been to Italy about 7-8 times over the past 30 years. Most came at an age where I was too young to appreciate it and in reality I spent most of my time in a small rural area with family; a couple hours east of Rome. So I've been to both Rome and Naples but now that I'm older I do agree that Naples seems far more interesting to me. The pizza alone is enough to draw me in plus they have some cool attractions like Pompeii, as you mentioned, Capri, etc. Was definitely leaning towards Naples already.

And I was leaning towards Berlin too. Was looking to potentially combine an Italy/Germany trip next year and Naples/Berlin was my #1 choice. I do want to visit relatives when I go to Italy as well so that is why I was looking at Naples or Rome specifically.
Naples is worth it just for the pizza and Pompei/Herulaneum. Both of those should but on the bucket list.

Rome is crazy though. I wouldn't go to that area of the world and not go to Rome. Modern city built on top of Renaissance, built on top of medievil, built on top of ancient Rome. Its an incredible place. If you go let me know, we found the best tour guide on our last day there, I have his card somewhere.
Naples is worth it just for the pizza and Pompei/Herulaneum. Both of those should but on the bucket list.

Rome is crazy though. I wouldn't go to that area of the world and not go to Rome. Modern city built on top of Renaissance, built on top of medievil, built on top of ancient Rome. Its an incredible place. If you go let me know, we found the best tour guide on our last day there, I have his card somewhere.

If I end up skipping Germany I'll probably split my time between Rome and Naples. I'll let you know if I do that.
Controversial take: Rome, with it's emphasis on thin crust, has better za than Naples. And Caravaggios hanging in churches.
Controversial take: Rome, with it's emphasis on thin crust, has better za than Naples. And Caravaggios hanging in churches.

Disagree on the first point. I would say the 2-3 best pizzas I've ever had in my life have been in Naples. Maybe I never hit up the best spots in Rome, and it was still probably the 2nd best there is, but nothing beats Naples. Especially when you factor in cost - Rome was like 8-10 euro for one, Naples was like 4-5, when I was last there (3-4 years ago).
I've had pizza in Rome and yeah... Not my preference. My favorite is in my family's rural town. That pizza is honestly heaven. Easily the best I've had. I was 18 the last time I went across the country though so we'll see how my taste buds have developed.
Anyone not making pizza crust neopolatian style is ****ing up IMO.

Nah. Too much dough on the outer ring. And a soggy puddle in the centre where the cheese and sauce liquifies the thin crust. In Naples, they at least mitigate that disaster with a more sparing deployment of toppings. To each his own, but a great pizzaiolo from Rome has no equal.

There was one guy I liked who slung pizzas here in Toronto but went back to Italy to deal with his bi-polar condition (the restaurant would actually close on nights when he felt his dough was not up to his impossible standards)
I’m a Roman history buff, but Napoli for me.

Spaghetti a la puttanesca with a local plonk >>>>>>


(Besides, you can get Roman history from Scottish border to the Middle East...)
Puttanesca is awesome. But not sure I prefer it to amatriciana or carbonara.

But no reason for you choose. It’s just a 75 minute train hop.
Nah. Too much dough on the outer ring. And a soggy puddle in the centre where the cheese and sauce liquifies the thin crust. In Naples, they at least mitigate that disaster with a more sparing deployment of toppings. To each his own, but a great pizzaiolo from Rome has no equal.

There was one guy I liked who slung pizzas here in Toronto but went back to Italy to deal with his bi-polar condition (the restaurant would actually close on nights when he felt his dough was not up to his impossible standards)

A shitty neapolitan style is bad, obviously. But done right, the dough is fantastic, and I'd have a hard time choosing something over them. I've joked in the past that the flight to Naples is worth it for the pizza and sometimes I wonder how much of a joke that actually was.
Anyone been to Aruba? Thinking of making a last minute trip to one of the islands. Never been.

Might be late but oh well. Been to both Aruba and Barbados. Aruba is guaranteed weather if you like beaches. Don’t play in the casinos though the resort one we went to had magnets on the roulette wheel and it never dropped. After a couple of minutes the supervisor came over grabbed the moving ball and respun it. Everyone lost.

However the nachos and cheese in the lobby was delicious! Good atmosphere for going out and partying regardless of age. Also had all the high end stores if that’s your thing.

Barbados is much bigger and I found the locals very welcoming. A fair bit of poverty but more of a city vibe. Makes you feel like you went back in time to the 60s.
A shitty neapolitan style is bad, obviously. But done right, the dough is fantastic, and I'd have a hard time choosing something over them. I've joked in the past that the flight to Naples is worth it for the pizza and sometimes I wonder how much of a joke that actually was.

Do you have a favourite spot in Naples?