Let's not even talk about what's going on down thereSo is washing your nether regions. Too lazy for that too?
Masturbation games?
Guessing he needs some deforestation. And not selective either. Clear cut that jungle. ShudderMasturbation games?
Putting green at most.Ken doll?
I'm assuming ch1 or mindzeye have since they've literally done everything there is to do in life multiple times.
Even when you aren't a nerd on some particular topic you still somehow pull through in the end with some nerdy shit. I'm a bread baking nerd and not even I've made beer bread. I'm impressed.I'm not a beer nerd, so no.
I've made beer bread before, but not with any sort of specific nerd beer. I usually pick a generic amber for bread.
I've got enough of both to last me through the rest of the year but thank you. There are a lot of local bakeries or warehouses selling that shit. Good to support them.Couldn't find flour or yeast anywhere so I ordered some in bulk from a baking warehouse (McCall's) and picked it up. JIC anyone's looking for some.
Spending a lot of my youth in Italy I always find it funny that polenta has now been classified as a fancy food. Back then in Italy it was something we ate because we were poor, same with pasta e fagioli. Now I'm seeing fancy Michelin star restaurants and shit serve both and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. They're fucking delicious but they will always be poor people food in my eyes.I’ve never made bread and I’ve given up on finding flour, so I paid some respect to my Northern Italian heritage and made polenta. It was so good (with a decent amount of butter, cheese, pepper)
Now having it the next day, roasted and crispy af.