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OT: World Politics

it's mind boggling. I am far from JT's biggest fan. I have not always voted for him.

but the seething hatred he receives for just... being pretty? having his father's last name? I don't know that I will ever understand.

it's just hilarious how many legit gripes folks could have with the guy, yet instead we see.... *checks notes*, 'failure to sufficiently condemn the Taliban' topping today's list?

what about him wanting the Habs to keep Halak and trade Price instead? wait...maybe that was the right move. I'm sorry, JT
what about him wanting the Habs to keep Halak and trade Price instead? wait...maybe that was the right move. I'm sorry, JT

Honestly might have been smart...got fuck all in return for Halak (Eller is a scrub) and he wasn't as good as Carey over the next 7-8 years, but he wasn't that far off and Carey would have landed you a mint.
I dunno.

It’d be nice if that was true, but by all reports that’d mean he’s been very committed to the bit for quite some time now, even outside FI.
I was all on our glorious leader's side despite his clear inadequacies until he kept spending money willy nilly over wuhan virus, didn't want any parliamentary oversight etc. He lost me when after the last election when he still demanded I wear a mask to vote and on planes, he went overseas and hung out maskless. He also lied and said the shot would never be mandatory and then basically fired any civil servant who wouldn't get it. That is hardly making it a choice. I had three so it made no diff to me but I can't abide by his actions in that regard. Top it off with him hiding during the trucker convoy. So I can't vote for him, can't vote for Poilievre so I am screwed and have nowhere to park my vote.

I will acknowledge however that he acted no differently than most of the ruling class who acted like there were rules for us but not for them.

As for the comment I made above, sure he can't do shit about Afghanistan women but he can't do anything re the overturning of Roe v Wade either but that didn't stop him from commenting on that decision.
I was all on our glorious leader's side despite his clear inadequacies until he kept spending money willy nilly over wuhan virus, didn't want any parliamentary oversight etc.
It was this or a crazy painful recession. I will take option A.
He lost me when after the last election when he still demanded I wear a mask to vote and on planes,
Don’t think JT is making this decision. More than likely Theresa Tam. In any event, I follow the science, which our government did for a time.
he went overseas and hung out maskless. He also lied and said the shot would never be mandatory and then basically fired any civil servant who wouldn't get it.
He did not lie, it was not mandatory.

But I am curious, do you oppose vaccination?
That is hardly making it a choice. I had three so it made no diff to me but I can't abide by his actions in that regard.
I mean you can disagree with this, fair enough.
Top it off with him hiding during the trucker convoy.
Can you be more specific here?

He invoked the Emergencies Act when it became clear the folks who had jurisdiction were woefully unprepared and doing more or less diddly squat.
So I can't vote for him, can't vote for Poilievre so I am screwed and have nowhere to park my vote.
I mean I am heartened that you’re unwilling to vote PP. I had a similar dilemma two elections ago.
I will acknowledge however that he acted no differently than most of the ruling class who acted like there were rules for us but not for them.

As for the comment I made above, sure he can't do shit about Afghanistan women but he can't do anything re the overturning of Roe v Wade either but that didn't stop him from commenting on that decision.
Roe hits a little bit closer to home, but I agree that what is happening in Afghanistan ought to be condemned in the strongest of terms.

So you mostly object to masking, when it was briefly required, and vaccination requirements in the middle of the worst pandemic of our lifetimes?
It was this or a crazy painful recession. I will take option A.

Don’t think JT is making this decision. More than likely Theresa Tam. In any event, I follow the science, which our government did for a time.

He did not lie, it was not mandatory.

But I am curious, do you oppose vaccination?

I mean you can disagree with this, fair enough.

Can you be more specific here?

He invoked the Emergencies Act when it became clear the folks who had jurisdiction were woefully unprepared and doing more or less diddly squat.

I mean I am heartened that you’re unwilling to vote PP. I had a similar dilemma two elections ago.

Roe hits a little bit closer to home, but I agree that what is happening in Afghanistan ought to be condemned in the strongest of terms.

So you mostly object to masking, when it was briefly required, and vaccination requirements in the middle of the worst pandemic of our lifetimes?
His comments about not tolerating those who did not share his views were repugnant as well.

I believe all vaccinations should be a choice. It is interesting that they only became mandatory once it was shown they really were not preventing any transmission and people were asking why get anymore (we bought too many and had to use them). We were told they would end the wuhan pandemic, would stop transmission once 70% had two shots. It ends up they were never tested re stopping transmission. I was told I was a science denier and killing people for refusing to take Astra Zeneca as I believed it was a shit vaccine. Friends from high school called me all sorts of names for saying I will wait for Pfizer. Turns out the govt completely downplayed the risk from Astra. Lying to the public hardly engenders faith (like remember Fauci and Tam and all of them saying, masks were useless, then Donnie said the same, and OMG, they were necessary and mandated?) It was all political theatre. If you want to wear one, go for it, but don't force others.

It was more the hypocrisy of governments. Take the mayor of Denver, presser, oh please do not go away at Thanksgiving, then right after presser, on a plane to Mississippi to see his kid, or the mayor of Chicago closing hair salons but getting one herself, governor of Penn I believe who drove to Delaware to eat in a resto, or even the finance minister in Ontario who went to the Caribbean in Dec 2020.

Hell, we had a great one here in BC. Dec 2020, no gatherings with family that don't live in your house at xmas (I ignored that anyway as no government pinhead will tell me I can't see my mom and sister) but then the Premier is asked how he will spend xmas and he said with a smile on his face, with my son and daughter in law.

Wearing a mask to the table but taking it off to eat, a food court being fine but not a resto, curfew here, not there. I didn't buy the fear and manipulation in the first place but then it got too much to ignore how we were being played. The virus was real, the threat was not to all, mostly just to those over 70 and with massive comorbidities.

Re the Emergencies Act, that was bad enough, there was no threat to the country, but then he coincidentally got covid so he didn't have to meet with the protest leaders. I might not have agreed with the methods but I didn't disagree with the desire to end all mandates.

Here we are 3 years in and there are still wackos like Nilli, Fisman, Ding calling for mask mandates and spreading fear. Sad part is a good friend of mine buys into the fear. We went to a movie on Sunday and he never removed his N95 despite there being only 5 of us in the theatre. I felt badly for him.
i hate it when they try to "manipulate" people by informing them about the best ways to SAVE LIVES DURING A WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC.

Also, despite all of the nonsense you keep writing, every goddamn study shows that masks work. and that the pandemic is not over. and that long covid is a HEALTH CRISIS.
Also...this make believe bullshit about OG covid (or later iterations) only being dangerous to 70+ with serious prior health issues is nonsense.

If we're measuring the only potentially negative outcome of covid infection as "death" and everything else is fine, sure that tracks. But we simply know too much about the effects after "recovery" now.

Even if there was never a single covid fatality, any virus that gives 1 of 8 adults infected with it long term health complications up to and including permanent impairments/disabilities, should be enough to spur a massive public health reaction to limit the impacts. Where the fuck do you think the money comes from to pay for all that socialized medicine that would have been unnecessary otherwise?
His comments about not tolerating those who did not share his views were repugnant as well.
No, what's actually repugnant is tolerating, coddling and accommodating the willfully ignorant. It's high time that willful ignorance was punished with consequences, not celebrated as some sort of virtue. Stupid people should be encouraged to either smarten up or go and be idiots somewhere else, preferably someplace without internet access so that they can't spread their ignorance to a wider audience of morons.
No, what's actually repugnant is tolerating, coddling and accommodating the willfully ignorant. It's high time that willful ignorance was punished with consequences, not celebrated as some sort of virtue. Stupid people should be encouraged to either smarten up or go and be idiots somewhere else, preferably someplace without internet access so that they can't spread their ignorance to a wider audience of morons.
you are leading with your chin...