Sounds like the Ukies have come to an agreement to buy Eurofighters by the truckload. Important because when paired with the meteor missile, it's the best non F22 air superiority combo in the world, a pretty big step up from modern outfitted F16's (which they don't currently have, but expect them by summer) and the AIM-120.
Either of which are of course an epic step up from the old soviet era airframes they're using.
Also, more good news:
-yesterday the Swiss dropped their prohibition on the resale of their kit to Ukraine.
-Ze Germans announced 187 more Leopard I's for Ukraine. They're old but are the match of most of the late soviet era tanks the Russians have in the field. Ze Germans, Danes & Dutch also announced that they wanted to purchase 100 more from international stockpiles and have agreed to provide spare parts and ammunition support.