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OT: World Politics

you haven't said you support it either.

who is demonizing legal gun owners?

do you agree that there is no legitimate reason for a civilian to own an AR-15
um Trudeau and others certainly have demonized gun owners, Wehave calls them all crazy fascist white supremacists,,,

I don't own a gun, and in particular an AR-15, take that for what it is worth. I have only ever fired 8 guns in my life at shooting ranges, there is a definitely an adrenaline rush shooting at targets.
um Trudeau and others certainly have demonized gun owners,
are you sure about this?

can you point to any specific comments made by JT to this effect? or is it possible that you have just seen so many headlines and consumed so much media focused around this idea of JT targeting 'lawful gun owners' that you have internalized that it is occurring without seeing actual evidence of same?

just now I tried to find any comments JT made to this effect and while my search was cursory, I came up empty. instead I found a lot of fear-mongering and sensationalist headlines.

I did find this quote:

“We have a culture where the difference is guns can be used for hunting or for sport shooting in Canada and there’s lots of gun owners and they’re mostly law respecting and law abiding.”

Wehave calls them all crazy fascist white supremacists,,,
I'll say this once for the record, but WeHave has his own views, and I don't think you should assume others agree or attribute them to any other posters here unless specifically endorsed.

You remind me of my dad. He likes to get into political arguments with me. Except he doesn't give a fuck what my actual position is, he just attributes whatever woke thing has him annoyed to me and assumes I wholeheartedly endorse that and gets worked up into a massive tizzy.

I don't own a gun, and in particular an AR-15, take that for what it is worth. I have only ever fired 8 guns in my life at shooting ranges, there is a definitely an adrenaline rush shooting at targets.
okay, I take from this that you won't agree that there is no reason for a civilian to own an AR-15.
are you sure about this?

can you point to any specific comments made by JT to this effect? or is it possible that you have just seen so many headlines and consumed so much media focused around this idea of JT targeting 'lawful gun owners' that you have internalized that it is occurring without seeing actual evidence of same?

just now I tried to find any comments JT made to this effect and while my search was cursory, I came up empty. instead I found a lot of fear-mongering and sensationalist headlines.

I did find this quote:

I'll say this once for the record, but WeHave has his own views, and I don't think you should assume others agree or attribute them to any other posters here unless specifically endorsed.

You remind me of my dad. He likes to get into political arguments with me. Except he doesn't give a fuck what my actual position is, he just attributes whatever woke thing has him annoyed to me and assumes I wholeheartedly endorse that and gets worked up into a massive tizzy.

okay, I take from this that you won't agree that there is no reason for a civilian to own an AR-15.
You constantly try to box me into positions counsellor but remember that is my job too, so I don't fall for it.

I know of no reason to own one but I cannot say for certain there is no such reason. I cannot agree with a blanket statement that can be no legit reason to own one.

I also never attributed Wehave's radical views to anyone else, and in particular to you. You askef who demonizes them. If you felt that way, maybe you need to search your feelings re whether or or not deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you agree with him...
I know of no reason to own one but I cannot say for certain there is no such reason. I cannot agree with a blanket statement that can be no legit reason to own one.
your critical thinking skills are better than this, counsellor.

AR-15s are machines designed primarily exclusively for the purpose of killing living things, as efficiently as possible.

unless "efficient mass murder" is a "legit reason", I am very comfortable concluding none exist to own literal killing machines.
I also never attributed Wehave's radical views to anyone else, and in particular to you.
you did by implication, but glad we have this clarified now for the record
This empire has been ruled for decades/centuries with genocide, ethnic cleansing, a vast network forced labour camps and has landed upon a paranoid, cynical and thieving mafia state which uses 1984 as an instruction guide.

And now they talk about dissolution? They are surprised the Ukrainians fought back so fiercely? Frankly it’s a minor miracle Caucasia and Siberia haven’t exploded already.
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Wehave's radical views...that is funny.

there's nothing radical about him.

but it does illustrate the tap the knee reflex the right has to brand anything it doesn't agree with as "radical"
I love my guns. I have four. I do not feel either threatened or daemonized by the nepo baby.
Charlie Angus hunts too! And he didn’t come from wealth privilege or power unlike the rest of the dickwads that lead our parties.
Here we go again

I have edited this to reflect something more authentic.
Holy shit this is instantly scary.
Do we need to be terrified again or can we be mor cautious in the early stages rather than late?

That lockdown shit really was awful.
How transmissible and bad is it?
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