are you sure about this?
can you point to any specific comments made by JT to this effect? or is it possible that you have just seen so many headlines and consumed so much media focused around this idea of JT targeting 'lawful gun owners' that you have internalized that it is occurring without seeing actual evidence of same?
just now I tried to find any comments JT made to this effect and while my search was cursory, I came up empty. instead I found a lot of fear-mongering and sensationalist headlines.
I did find this quote:
I'll say this once for the record, but WeHave has his own views, and I don't think you should assume others agree or attribute them to any other posters here unless specifically endorsed.
You remind me of my dad. He likes to get into political arguments with me. Except he doesn't give a fuck what my actual position is, he just attributes whatever woke thing has him annoyed to me and assumes I wholeheartedly endorse that and gets worked up into a massive tizzy.
okay, I take from this that you won't agree that there is no reason for a civilian to own an AR-15.