Russia is losing. If Russia were winning they'd have absorbed and subjugated the Ukraine by now. The fact that the Ukraine continues to exist and fight is your clue that Russia isn't winning.
Russia is like the Leafs over the last 6 years. After this much time you have to think that if they haven't won anything by now they probably never will. This "special operation" was supposed to take 72 HOURS. It's now close to 18 months and Russia still has nothing to show for it except a lot of dead Russian soldiers and lost equipment. They have accomplished nothing. And the few gains they have made are so small and so tenuous that they will likely vanish within hours of the Ukies' counter-offensive. They are getting evicted from the Ukraine THIS YEAR. After that, I expect the Ukraine to join NATO and force the Russians to deal with their fascist dictator of a President the old fashioned way.
The Warsaw Pact is not making a comeback. The end result of this idiotic act of aggression will be 2 new NATO countries on their borders and economic isolation for them.