Wayward Ditch Pig
Yup. Exactly what anyone with a clue was saying a year ago.
FfsIt was always about expanding settlements and subjugation of the Palestinians. Bibi is following the fascist playbook. He'll keep provoking violent responses so he can justify further aggression.
Once you start with the premise that Netanyahu is a fascist just like any other fascist except for his religion, it all becomes clear.
yeah I've also wondered why Putin has permitted him not only to live this long, but to have access to social media etc...It’s honestly shocking how long this guy has stayed alive. Don’t know why Putin didn’t have him fall out of a prison window long ago.
And I’ll add the caveat that I hope he’s OK and he’s definitely way better than Putin. But “he represents everything good about Russia” is a bit of a stretch. Navalny is still an imperialist and Russian chauvinist to the bone.
But “he represents everything good about Russia” is a bit of a stretch.
I was never naive enough to think that all racism was gone from the world. But 15 years ago I simply wouldn't have believed that we would ever reach a point where it was publicly "acceptable" to be this virulently racist.
I was never naive enough to think that all racism was gone from the world. But 15 years ago I simply wouldn't have believed that we would ever reach a point where it was publicly "acceptable" to be this virulently racist.
in the past, people felt just enough shame to keep it hidden....Trump is definitely the perfect Prez for this era of shamelessness when nothing is so bad that you risk losing everything. No matter what you do, you will always retain a big chunk of people that will defend and cheer for you.