As a Musk hater even I have to admit the corporation's growth was extremely impressive for a long long time. The shorts were wrong for many many years, full stop. Definitely a different story these days though. Hypergrowth is still largely priced in and well, they stopped growing.
Tldr: the only thing that will stop the deteriorating price is if they execute and get back to 2013-2021 kind of growth. And the street believes they're more likely to do that than a corporation like Ford, for obvious reasons. Hence the premium they trade at.
I have no idea if it's true or not, but I think the idea here is that it's similar to Volkswagen fraud from a few years back, where software sensors threw out false info whenever it recognized an emissions test was being run.
Learn About Volkswagen Violations | US EPA
Learn about EPA's issued notice of violation (NOV) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) to Volkswagen. The NOV alleges software that circumvents EPA emissions standards for certain air
I don't know who this guy is, and it may not be a perfect comparison. Enron was a bunch of pricks running a scam, and Tesla has produced a tangible product. But is also run by a prick, and the company constantly saying Full Self Driving is "a year away" for 10 years is kind of a scam. If he's right and they have been lying and faking data all along, who knows where this goes in the long run.
As the Wall Street Journal reports, new polling from the Strategic Vision market research firm suggests that the proportion of Democrats buying Teslas fell by more than 60 percent last October and November, when Musk's anti-Semitic rhetoric lost X-formerly-Twitter a ton of advertisers