He was poop till recently.Holl played 26min, and a full two and a half more EV minutes than Gio, and came in at 67xgf%.
Poor guy will never get credit.
That trade down to select Sandin+SDA is looking like quite the fleecing by Dubas. Blues did that to grab Bokk, who's never played in the NHL yet.
Pretty good considering Armstrong killed it in every other move and had a summer that helped to set-up a cup win in 2019.
I'll admit I stole that info from an Edna tweet.
In the brief look he did get, he did not earn more playing time.Speaking of Marchment after roaring out of the gates in his first 4 games with 6 pts he has since had 9pts in his last 21
The Leafs never truly gave him a shot but Im not sure he ever showed he deserved a long look either
Washington should be getting so much crap for letting Samsonov go for free at age 25. They also let Vanchek go this summer.
If she's casting her reel..AM needs to take that bait.