MBow30 alt account
I'll let you figure out what 17% of 90M is
hint, it's considerably higher than the 12.6M zeke is arguing Matthews should sign for

I'll let you figure out what 17% of 90M is
hint, it's considerably higher than the 12.6M zeke is arguing Matthews should sign for
if Matthews matches 17% of year 1 cap like McDavid and Crosby did, despite not even finishing top 20 in scoring and generally not being considered on their level, that would mean $14.3m per year.
So, you would trade Matthews for McKinnon?
Dom would.
LOF is that you?18-19 (21yrs): 45gl/88pt pace
--- signs $11.6 x 5yr deal ---
19-20 (22yrs): 55gl/95pt pace
20-21 (23yrs): 65gl/105pt pace
21-22 (24yrs): 67gl/119pt pace
22-23 (25yrs): 44gl/94pt pace
are we going to pretend that this year, where he regressed all the way back to his 21yr old form from when he signed his previous contract, didn't happen? That a guy coming off a year like that is a guy who should be breaking all league precedents for contracts?
I'd think about it.
Its up to him, obviously.
But MacKinnon could have got more too. Same with Pastrnak.
They chose not to.
And those are the guys he has to beat to win cups.
The next time Matthews or Marner prioritize winning a Cup ahead of making the most money they possibly can will also be the first time that’s ever happened.
Mackinnon got 15.2% btw, which is $13.6 on a 90 million cap. Which as HL said, is a made up cap.