I think 18 years is a decent length of time following a sport..
Not long enough to watch Marino play in the first half of his career.
No wonder he didn't play until the sixth week
That's pretty weak considering it's customary to ease in a rookie QB.. Nevermind the fact that Marino was
younger than Roethlisberger when they both started their first game

. Of course that fact goes right over your head and your bias... But like you said, no sense in discussing this any longer because comparing the two is ridiculous.. If you'd like to, that's fine. I could easily show you some articles from coaches in that era stating emphatically how Marino revolutionized how defenses defend against the pass -- Since you weren't following the game at that time maybe you can learn something

Comparing Roth with Marino ? LMAO.. Get real babe.. Forget Marino, there are a plethora of QB's I would take over Roethlisberger.. Dan Fouts for one.. Let's start with Fouts and a boatload of other QB's before Marino even gets brought up when you try to put Roethlisberger in the same sentence with others..
Everyone gets excited about their team and it's prospects but before you flay someone else for having a differing opine remember that YOU aren't always right
Oh nobody's always right. Including me.. But by the same token, trying to compare Roethlisberger to Marino is absolutely ridiculous... All because every Steeler fan and their mother wished they drafted Marino (since he's from Pittsburgh) with all those crappy and pathetic QB's you had during Marino's career, doesn't mean you can make such ridiculous comments...
You thought that FUmblepepper was going to bring a Saban led Phins team to the promised land
yes, Not only did Miami have bad team doctors saying his knee was ok, but the biggest mistake of this decade was deciding on Cpep over Brees when both were available ( if you remember, I wanted Brees).
We all have moments of misguided optimism.Try not to dwell on four years prior. Not all prognostications were spot on
Okay, now you're talking about two totally different things.. What Marino and Roth did ALREADY happened.. It has nothing to do with prognostications on the future.. It does not require guess work.. But I guess you were desperate to change the subject.
Its for fun right? Thats why we aren't in sports for a living.
Yes it is for fun.. But god forbid if anyone says anything negative about a Steeler player.. God forbid, or you lose it.... Hell, I posted a video of the Steelers winning the super bowl in the 70's earlier saying they were a damn good team.. And you come in here with all kinds of sports Illustrated links and long posts going whole hog (since you are so insecure with your team), as if I was trying to diminish their success in the 70's with that comment.
I mean, get real man.. It's rather comical how you fly off the handle over nothing. I mean, you even flew off at someone POSTING a Pitt super bowl game and victory.. Unbelievable.. :cheers2: