Shot down the ravens ehif there were any leaks before its certain there will zero now. no one is safe at GoT
Is there any urgency to picking a new GM?
I assume the draft stuff is already baked.
So free agency and contract extensions would be the priority. Anything missing?
The draft's the 28th and 29th and then RFA qualifying opens up the 30th and then we can sign Matthews July 1 and free agency. I dunno, there's definitely lots to do so sooner the better.Is there any urgency to picking a new GM?
I assume the draft stuff is already baked.
So free agency and contract extensions would be the priority. Anything missing?
He’s a very lazy choice from the mediots I admit, but I think he has a real chanceNo chance in hell it’s Treliving.
That's it though, he surrounded the wunderkid with experienced GMs.9 years ago Shanahan went so far outta the box he hired some OHL GM who went to Brock then made him GM over Lou and Hunter four years later. I guess there’s a small part of me that thinks… would it really be as inside the box as Treliving?
but perhaps that’s just hopefulness.
If it’s true Shanahan won’t move any of the core 4 that severely limits anyone interviewing
Shanny should just do it himself for a year then steal Nill..If it’s true Shanahan won’t move any of the core 4 that severely limits anyone interviewing