Well-known member
I had two extremely difficult deals I was working on the last couple of weeks, in addition to all the other regular stuff.possibly, i'm 90% through a massive data project that's been the bane of my work existence. But here I am shit posting instead of finishing it.
It was fucking killing me. One of them super complicated, and the other was something I hadn't really done much of before so I was educating myself as I went. These two scenarios lend themselves perfectly to fueling a desire to not suffer through the complexities or research all the minutiae. So every time I got bogged down trying to figure something out, instead of maintaining my focus and really powering through it, I would take a "mental break". Until I finally ran out of fucking time and had to power through it, and that's when they finally got done.
But yeah, my major obstacles standing in the way of repaired focus:
1. Sleeping too late.
2. Not getting ready and out to the office early enough and get into the proper environment.
3. Having crazy access to everything now (such that where I used to record Leaf games and watch on delay, now I fucking watch the pirated stream, which is perfect, but starts at 4 or 4:30 pm and totally fucks my mind for 2.5 prime hours).
4. Having too many non-work stresses that drain my time and energy.
Seems easy to solve these one by one, or even all at once, but I've failed miserably and am just getting by day to day with no particular plan other than to just solve whatever is pressing at the moment and go on to the next one.