I’m taking a I’ll believe it when I see it approach to the NHL, NBA, MLS, MLB return to play plans. It seems like a one step forward and two steps back sort of thing and throw in several more positive tests of these athletes over the next few weeks and I can see a lot of these pro players just asking “what are we doing and why are we risking it out here”.
I cant tell if your post is sarcasm or not...but your comment about only the older coaches and support staff are at the highest risk really has no bearing on the players and athletes that will be asked to play the games in the bubble. I still think this whole "plan to play" is nowhere near close to fruition when it comes to team sports in North America based on where things stand today. Yeah the money is part of it for sure, but when you start to see entire training facilities being shut down the past few days, it sure does not look very promising to fire up these leagues in a few short weeks. I'm usually a glass half full guy but for this topic I just think it looks like a plane that never really will get the off the ground this summer.Why? Same reason the young uns are out on Glenwood with no masks. They are young and indestructible and the data show that the risk to 20 and 30 year olds is extremely small. And the money. That’s painting with a broad and exaggerated brush, but I think you’ll get my point.
The folks with the significantly higher risk are the older coaches and support staff, like equipment guys.
Sure, but even a quick glance at the Covid stats shows that pretty much the entirety of Europe is WAY further along the infection curve than we are. To pretend otherwise is dangerous.That's definitely a highly possible outcome. Although I did watch half-dozen Premier League games this weekend, so it can be done.
That's definitely a highly possible outcome. Although I did watch half-dozen Premier League games this weekend, so it can be done.
Sure, but even a quick glance at the Covid stats shows that pretty much the entirety of Europe is WAY further along the infection curve than we are. To pretend otherwise is dangerous.
England/UK, last I checked, was *not* among the better "performing" Euro countries on COVID and went ahead. So unless PL has a setback, not sure how that warns US-based sports.
Missed that one, NM; I don't have the pay tier or wherever they put it, but I don't think it was on NBC/SN. Luckily I don't really have a side (though I do have some players and coaches I tend to lean for) so I can enjoy a good match no matter which way it goesThen surely you witnessed the mighty Crystal Palace demolishing Bournemouth.
Even the UK is trending better than we are ... sadly.
If it wasn't the NHL we're talking about one would be safe to assume that "cooler heads will prevail" eventually. But it IS the NHL, so I'm dreading something horrible.
I think that sounds about right Bill, two weeks from now the NHL camps have to start looking like a close to full training camp so they can get there proposed team back into shape and ready to travel to the hub cities by around the 23rd of July. The Euro guys that spent the lock down in their home countries are going to have to start filtering back into North America over the next couple of weeks here if this is all full speed ahead.Anyway, hockey news thread, right. I read something about hub cities being populated around 23 July following a 2-week training camp right? So that puts the sh!t or get off the pot date still about 2 weeks out.
The TSN piece is hot garbage...it's actually embarrassing for the voters to leave Brindy out when you dive into the stats that DeCock and the Canes analytics guys pulled together.The Hockey Hall of Fame voting is Wednesday. Jarome Iginla is a mortal lock. Luke DeCock wrote his annual article on why Brind’Amour should be in. Steve Dryden from TSN has an article making cases for 8 players. Guess who isn’t on the list?
Making eight cases for the Hockey Hall of Fame - TSN.ca
If only every Hockey Hall of Fame debate were as straightforward as the one the selection committee faces this week on first-year eligible Jarome Iginla. TSN's Senior Managing Editor of Hockey Steve Dryden makes the cases for eight other former NHL players.www.tsn.ca
The NBA is in freakin' Florida. And Bettman will just follow Silver's lead... again.
Anyway, hockey news thread, right. I read something about hub cities being populated around 23 July following a 2-week training camp right? So that puts the sh!t or get off the pot date still about 2 weeks out.
I mean ... if he can somehow figure out how to make a failure to return to play in 2020 look like a labor issue, I think Bettman might see that as a good thing. Blaming the players union for the league's management problems is pretty much his No. 1 move.Certainly we should never underestimate Gary's ability to conflagrate any potential labor situation.
Not commenting on whoever/whatever anyone tends to vote for but basically IMHO this is a real reflection of the god awful state of division in the country right now. Even the European countries have decided it's better to attack this uniformly and hold off on skewering the other party for the greater good. Instead, the US has friggin politicized the response to a global pandemic and this is what you get. I know these are complicated issues but when 911 occurred, even most of the Bush haters decided to take a pause and try to work together. Rant over.Those nutty people in Europe actually listen to Drs. and scientists for advice. What a concept!! Who gave them that idea?