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2019-Whenever Misc. Grab Bag Thread

On a side note, I have heard our old friend GerCohen (or whatever he was) on WUNC each of the last 2 days talking about the Triangle as 4th hottest growth spot in the country.
Yeah, I'm not sure what kind of info could come out on Budd or Beasley that would change my mind about who I intend to vote for in that race. I'm much closer in sharing fundamental values with one of the candidates and not the other. My mind is made up at this point and I'm OK with it. I need to do more research on the hyperlocal candidates, but that won't take much time.
I think we’re all there - on one side or the other. There’s little point in a campaign.

We ultimately have a binary choice on a complex collection of issues since it doesn’t really matter with both sides voting with their party 90 plus percent of the time. So whatever your dealbreaker issue is determines the box of your choices. There’s really no effort at building consensus. Or in compromise. Instead it’s about divide and force your issue down the other sides throat.

I think it’s almost more wanting to see the other side lose than it is about getting your own way.
Isn’t voting early like deciding who won the game after the second period?

I get that everyone has their minds made up but isn’t that mindset part of the problem?

It’s like we’re fans of a team - which it shouldn’t be. We should listen to the case being made by the candidates and choose based on the totality of the information available at the end.

Instead we vote for Team Red or Team Blue so we don’t need to pay attention to what they say I guess. Happens both ways but it’s 100% of why we can’t believe someone could vote for “insert your monster here”. Better than voting for the other team I suppose.

[steps down from soap box and walks sadly away]
I mean ... kind of but not really. This thing we do where we treat elections and polling as some sort of horse race isn't really rooted in anything other than custom. The candidates and their positions won't change between today (opening of early polling) and November 8th. Maybe you'll learn some sort of obscured background information, but while that does happen occasionally that's actually pretty rare. I'm neither Team Red nor Team Blue so I have to take my homework pretty seriously to be an engaged voter, and I've never once regretted voting early.
I'm pretty damn tired of the flip a coin mentality. Things in this country aren't about one extreme or the other, yet that's what our elections seem to be about. Middle ground and both sides working together is what has allowed this country to function best. How many times have you flipped a coin and had it stand on edge?

We need to mix in some term limits and end the ridiculous career politician game. That shit's not helping We The People at all.

*steps off soapbox before he gets mad*

Oh sure ... a 1st would have been nice, but with an entire offense to rebuild you're always going to be fine with 4 picks ... including a 2nd rounder. That's good value for a player who's not helping you do anything other than sell tickets for the next two seasons. BIG roll of the dice for the Niners. Counting on McCaffrey to stay healthy enough over two seasons to justify that outlay is presuming a LOT.
Oh sure ... a 1st would have been nice, but with an entire offense to rebuild you're always going to be fine with 4 picks ... including a 2nd rounder. That's good value for a player who's not helping you do anything other than sell tickets for the next two seasons. BIG roll of the dice for the Niners. Counting on McCaffrey to stay healthy enough over two seasons to justify that outlay is presuming a LOT.
To be fair, he won't have anywhere near the workload there compared to Charlotte. If SF manages that well, it could work out nicely.
To be fair, he won't have anywhere near the workload there compared to Charlotte. If SF manages that well, it could work out nicely.
I mean, I hope it does ... not strenuously of course, because I couldn't give two figs about the Niners and their chances. But from here on, Godspeed to young CMC. That said, workload management or no, the chances of him playing every game between now and the end of his contract are pretty low.
CMC is bound to be relied on less in S.F. and maybe that will help extend his career. I heard he was responsible for something like 82% of the Panther's offence and I don't doubt that. Dude plays hard, I just don't hold out for him having a long career though. Thanks for the effort here.
