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2019-Whenever Misc. Grab Bag Thread

Some great news out of the NFL: instead of wearing those awful color rush pajama uniforms as is usual for Thursday Night Football games , the 69ers and Seahawks will both be wearing throwback unis for tomorrow night's game. Yes!
Some great news out of the NFL: instead of wearing those awful color rush pajama uniforms as is usual for Thursday Night Football games , the 69ers and Seahawks will both be wearing throwback unis for tomorrow night's game. Yes!
Did you see the throwbacks the Giants wore for game one? Threw it back too far ... like to the stone ages.
I know you are all NCSU fans but this article from the website I work for is about me and Tylee Craft, a UNC football player battling stage 4 cancer, so I thought I’d share.

Sending good vibes your way Kevin, keep up the fight my man! Thanks for sharing the story and link too.
I know you are all NCSU fans but this article from the website I work for is about me and Tylee Craft, a UNC football player battling stage 4 cancer, so I thought I’d share.

Fight the good fight, man. My thoughts will be with you.

I learned yesterday that Frank Amato, owner of Piccola Italia died a couple weeks ago from pneumonia brought on by chemotherapy wrecking his immune system. The manager told me today he had been battling it for 8-12 months and they thought they had it beaten, but it came back. I'm bummed. I met Frank 40 years ago and he always had time to say hello and to ask about my family and friends who used to be regulars. I had a garlic pizza in his memory for lunch today. Lots of good memories at Piccola. RIP, Frank.
Fight the good fight, man. My thoughts will be with you.

I learned yesterday that Frank Amato, owner of Piccola Italia died a couple weeks ago from pneumonia brought on by chemotherapy wrecking his immune system. The manager told me today he had been battling it for 8-12 months and they thought they had it beaten, but it came back. I'm bummed. I met Frank 40 years ago and he always had time to say hello and to ask about my family and friends who used to be regulars. I had a garlic pizza in his memory for lunch today. Lots of good memories at Piccola. RIP, Frank.
Yeah, I saw that and he'll be sorely missed by a lot of people. Frank was a good dude and always took proper care of his staff and his customers.

And Kevin ... you got this my man.
Piccola Italia, another old Raleigh institution. I hope they can survive Frank's death. My wife looooooves that place and used to have lunch there just about every day when she worked at that library. We even had a few NYE dinners there.
Piccola Italia, another old Raleigh institution. I hope they can survive Frank's death. My wife looooooves that place and used to have lunch there just about every day when she worked at that library. We even had a few NYE dinners there.
My wife and I had pizza there w/ 6-8 friends after our wedding reception. Early ceremony on that accursed day.

One night in the mid-80s, a table full of friends and I walked there from Everett Ave. for dinner. That was an aborted affair because we had all eaten a bunch of mushrooms and all we could do when the food arrived was laugh like hell. I could see Frank peering over the glass with that "What's amattah with the food" look on his face. Hell, he might have even come to ask. For those who have to ask, tripping and eating do not mix. A friend tried this at the Angus Barn one afternoon. Hilarity ensued. Come to think of it, I donated a huge pork chop to a Great Dane at a party one night also.

One night it occurred to me and a friend that we were now old. We were eating our standard double cheese large pie and could only get through 3/4s of it. We just looked at each other astoundedly and asked "What the hell?" Frank inquired if there was something wrong with it and all we could do was stammer, "No, we just can't finish it." We were 28 and still doing lots of mountain bike riding and pot smoking, but just could not finish that damned pizza!
I remember one time at Piccola Italia we ordered two pizzas, intending to box one up to take home for my roommates. We failed to communicate that clearly to the poor waitress, and watching a pizza go cold on the table raised Frank's interest. He thought his waitress had screwed up or one of his pies was bad so he came over and checked on us ... but it was 100% on me, so he grabbed a box, sat down and we chatted for a good 15-20 minutes. He was that kind of restaurant operator.
What is the deal with these Barstool chumps making bets where they offer to eat poop? God help us but sports bros are increasingly infantile.
So, I thought the whole idea of the canes trip during the state fair was to eliminate traffic. At least for the last 25 years. But now they are scheduling multiple big concerts during the same time period?? Someone over there needs their head examined.
Yeah, it's dumb but like most things it's happened in the past ... and been as generally chaotic as you'd expect. Only one of the shows is a full arena concert though. That second one is one of those half capacity things. I went to see Bon Iver during the Fair a few years ago and it was one of those reduced capacity shows. That wasn't too bad, as I recall. Although we had to get there HOURS before the show.
My oldest and her fiancée went to the fair on Saturday. Fortunately, they both grew up here, on opposite ends of Wake County. So my daughter has extensive knowledge from Trinity Rd. north, he has the same knowledge from Trinity Rd. south. She said getting out of that area was a disaster and they were saved by local knowledge. I can’t imagine someone coming in from out of town for either the fair or concert. They might have gotten out of there by now.

We went to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday. When leaving, I usually go out Centennial to where it ends at Avent Ferry and pick up the Beltline off Western. This time, I just got on 40 at Lake Wheeler, stayed in the left lane and went all the way to 540, the exit off 40 onto the Beltline at Crossroads was backed up for nearly a mile.
...the exit off 40 onto the Beltline at Crossroads was backed up for nearly a mile.
That's regular for weekdays during rush hour and on weekends when there's a lot of folks out and about. However, I'm sure that Saturday's backup probably went all the way up the beltline and into the Fair? Normally, once a vehicle gets onto the Beltline from that I-40 backup, the traffic disperses nicely.