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2023-24 NHL Misc. Thread

The Flames statement on Dube said he was attending to his mental health and was under the care of health professionals. I guess if I found out I was going to be imminently arrested, my mental health would decline too.
Yeah I believe the Hart statement was similar to Dube's.
Yeah, it would really help if everybody watching from the sidelines could stow their fandom in their back pocket until this is finally resolved in court, but ... yeah. We all know how that's gonna go.
If those players really are involved, then framing the time off as "for their mental health" is a low blow to people with actual mental health issues.
Just my $.02
If those players really are involved, then framing the time off as "for their mental health" is a low blow to people with actual mental health issues.
Just my $.02
Yup. No issue with the leaves being tagged "for personal reasons" but calling those mental health leaves is a flat out insult ... and not just to those with legit mental health concerns. It's also yet another insult piled on the victim.
Yup. No issue with the leaves being tagged "for personal reasons" but calling those mental health leaves is a flat out insult ... and not just to those with legit mental health concerns. It's also yet another insult piled on the victim.

I think that’s overthinking this. That was a decision made by attorneys. Probably the defendants’ attorneys.
I think that’s overthinking this. That was a decision made by attorneys. Probably the defendants’ attorneys.
Are attorneys not capable of making bad decisions*? Because for my money that's a bad look. The lawyers should know better and so should the teams.
*rhetorical if you've ever met my brother in law
Only if you’re looking for a reason to be offended. Does it really matter to you in the least what kind of leave they requested/were given?
Yes, it matters. If he’s legitimately under medical care for mental health issues, then we‘re wrong. But if it’s just jive, to excuse his request for a leave of absence, then it’s just that, jive. The timing is just too coincidental to suddenly have a mental health crisis that requires medical care. And it minimizes the legitimate concerns of people undergoing treatment for real mental health issues.
Bad acts, bad behaviors against others are not a mental health issue— unless you were diagnosed with a conduct disorder or Antisocial PD and there are no evidence based treatments for those diagnoses. They cause mental health issues in others. Getting caught for bad acts, bad behavior is not a diagnostic criteria for any mental illness.
Only if you’re looking for a reason to be offended. Does it really matter to you in the least what kind of leave they requested/were given?
A. Offended? Who says I'm offended? I'm objecting to what is obviously BS word-play on behalf of guys who have been ordered to appear in a criminal investigation that has dragged on an interminable amount of time.

B. Yeah it does, or else I wouldn't have raised the objection. In large part because the next guy who requests a mental health leave might be suspected of being involved in criminal activity. Words mean things.
First of all it’s alleged bad acts. They have not been found guilty of a crime yet, right?

If you found yourself charged with rape that would be a mental health crisis for most anyone I’d imagine.

I don’t think they intentionally tried to offend anyone by the kind of leave they requested. So there’s no need for anyone to be offended by that.